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Jun 25, 2021, 12 tweets

More than 150 years after the end of slavery, most Black families in the U.S. lack an essential part of the American dream: a home of their own.

Occasional efforts to address the problem have mostly failed — and sometimes they’ve made things worse

Federal housing policy played a central role in creating the American middle class. Beginning in the 1930s, government-subsidized mortgages enabled people to…

🏡Buy homes
🏘️Invest in communities
💰Build equity
🚸Pass wealth on to their children…

Between 1934 and 1968, 98% of loans insured by the FHA went to White people.

The presence of a single Black family in a new subdivision was enough for them to refuse financing. The result was residential segregation and a legacy of entrenched disadvantage

Efforts to right this wrong have focused on loosening credit, to disastrous effect.

As of 2019, Black families had on average just $65,000 in home equity, compared with $176,000 for White families. In three decades, this disparity hasn’t narrowed

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, indiscriminate and corrupt FHA-backed lending allowed speculators to sell homes at inflated prices to Black families, saddling them with often-impossible payments

In the 2000s, the private sector repeated the experiment.

Subprime mortgage loans with outsized interest rates, no money down and other toxic features all but guaranteed default — and frequently extracted what equity people had managed to build

The upshot: As of March 2021, the Black homeownership rate stood at an estimated 45.1%, almost 30 percentage points below its White counterpart

Various schemes of this kind are now up and running.

In recent years, most state housing agencies have started providing down payment assistance; so have some of the country’s largest banks

During his presidential campaign, Biden proposed a larger federal program offering $15,000 to qualifying first-time homebuyers.

Maxine Waters, chair of the House Committee on Financial Services, has proposed legislation aiming at as much as $25,000

Depending on the details, the cost would be manageable.

A program confined to low-income, first-generation buyers would cover about 5 million households — disproportionately Black, but also including millions of White and Hispanic households

Even if every eligible household bought a house, the initial cost of a $15,000 payment would amount to roughly $80 billion, spread over several years, with a much smaller ongoing annual budget to cover newly eligible households

Closing the racial wealth gap is a moral imperative.

It would also benefit the entire country by helping millions of people realize their productive potential. Down payment assistance can make a difference

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