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Omna Tigray is a nonprofit focused on educated advocacy + economic development. Join our global movement to stop the genocidal war on Tigray.

Jun 25, 2021, 10 tweets

Since coming into power in 2018, @AbiyAhmedAli has manipulated the media, the international community and Ethiopians into perceiving his actions will be democratic and progressive. In reality, all of his "reforms" have been reversed or used to centralize his authoritarian rule.

Ethiopia under Abiy has taken a sharp turn to authoritarianism, with countless political prisoners, media and free speech repression, gross human rights violations, and the escalation and commencement of multiple conflicts and wars, including the genocidal war in Tigray.

Abiy has manipulated the elections in order to stay in power as he continues to hide behind a reformist agenda--all the while leading the genocide and human rights violations in Tigray and other parts of Ethiopia.

Abiy's relationship with Eritrea’s dictator Isaias dashed any possibility or hope that might have existed for democratic reform in Ethiopia. It is now clear that the “peace deal,” for which Abiy won a @NobelPrize, was a war pact against the people of Tigray + their leaders.

During the current war in Tigray, Abiy’s government has near totalitarian control of the media. Domestic reporters do not dare report anything that is happening in Tigray. Those who try are detained, harassed, and/or killed.

After two years in power, on January 2, 2020, Abiy's administration adopted a new anti-terrorism law with minor modifications from the previously criticized version. In some ways, the new law is worse than the previous one.

Human rights violations in Tigray, Oromia, and Benishangul Gumuz continue to be carried out by Abiy Ahmed and his administration.

Although the security crisis in Ethiopia has worsened since December 2018 + the Covid-19 situation is the worst it has been, the Ethiopian government changed its stance and decided to hold elections earlier this week, with much of its political opposition imprisoned and censored.

Abiy has rejected international pressure for dialogue despite his “peacemaker” image.

No "reformer" would declare a genocidal war on its own citizens. No "reformer" would also invite foreign forces to terrorize, loot, kill, and rape its citizens.

Almost 8 months into #TigrayGenocide, we continue to call on world leaders to urgently take action and protect millions.

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