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Social, Political & Economics Observer | Believe in Dharma and Karma | Modi | Views Personal

Jun 26, 2021, 6 tweets

Unspoken ones from the CAG report for the year 2018-19.

TN government has spent in excess of 1000 Crores for school education in the year 2018-19.

Not restricting expenditure for education due to budgetary constraints can be appreciated.

Cash balance and investment of cash balances by TN government

2010-11 : ₹15,747 Crores
2018-19: ₹43,229 Crores

Interest payments to revenue receipts posted a reduction from 17.78% to 16.55%. Increased revenue receipts the reason.

Between 2017-18 and 2018-19 the State’s revenue had shown a decent growth in comparison to the preceding years.

For the first time in 5 years the state posted a growth of 19% over the previous year.

While interest payments are amplified, less emphasis is given for increase in expenditure for salaries and pensions.

In the year 2018-19, 41% of the revenue receipts is spent on salaries and pensions. It is close to 50% now.

Between 2014 and 2019, scheme based subsidies has increased by ₹8,549 Crores and the explicit subsidies has reduced by ₹851 Crores.

Good to see reduction in explicit subsidies.

Rate of growth of outstanding debts reduced in comparison to the previous 5 years.

Debt repayment/Debt receipts marked a five year high at 31.43. Shows increased repayments of debts and comparatively less incoming new loans.…

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