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Haphazard Gaza watcher. Watching videos and comments posted by Gazans in Gaza on social media since 2018. 🎗🧡

Jun 26, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ Protests against the Palestinian Authority continued today in Ramallah
#Palestinians #Palestine…

2/ And in Hebron

3/ Nizar Banat's daughter left the mourning tent for her father to document the demonstrations protesting his death in Palestinian Authority custody. #Palestinians #Palestine…

4/ Plain clothes #Palestinian Authority police grabbing hold of demonstrators protesting against Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah regime today, following the death in custody of activist Nizar Banat. #Palestinians #Palestine
From @Abualiexpress…

5/ More photos of plain clothes Palestinian Authority police (including female police) grabbing protestors and threatening a female journalist today, and also uniformed Palestinian Authority police with helmets. #Palestinians #Palestine
From @AbuAliExpress…

6/ More footage of the Palestinian Authority response to today's protests in Ramallah. #Palestine #Palestinians…

7/ A woman protester beaten by Palestinian Authority police during protests today. #Palestinians #Palestine…

8/ Palestinian Authority police shooting at protesters, today in Ramallah. #Palestinians #Palestine…

9/ Another angle of plain clothes Palestinian Authority police violently arresting a protester and attacking another in Ramallah today. #Palestinians #Palestine…

10/ Palestinian Authority police attacking a journalist with a wooden stick during protests in Ramallah. #Palestinians #Palestine…

11/ Palestinian caricature: the development of the Palestinian under the Oslo Accords, which is identified with Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority. #Palestinians #Palestine

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