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Jun 26, 2021, 7 tweets

A history of the 1958 Berbera riots and Maxamed Jamaac Urdoh of the Somali National League (SNL)

The SNL was the major political party of Somaliland and had several nationalist figures incl Urdoh who would lead the party at one point

The transfer of Somali territory (Hawd & Reserved Area) to 🇪🇹 control by the 🇬🇧 angered many and particularly communities who lived over the new border

With the visit of MP Bernard Baines and MP Austen Albu to Berbera, Maxamed Jamaac organised a disruption of their tour

Their visit was to gauge the situation as the transfer had caused instability in Somaliland and energized existing political parties.

A crowd 500 strong formed and would surround and stone the car the MPs and District Commissioner were travelling on, shouting slogans etc.

In the words of MP Braines it was the first time in his life he had experienced such treatment and this disturbed him

8 lead rioters were punished with jail sentences with Jamaac receiving 2 years as it was a repeat offense. His eloquence and charisma inspired the riots

Prior to this he was known by British authorities to be a trouble maker and he had spend significant time in Cairo writing anti colonial pieces.

The SNL and other political parties like the SYL received support from Gamel Abdel Nasser of Egypt

AUN to him and others who fought British attempts to dictate independence on their terms

#26June #Somaliland


Here is a photo of Urdoh AUN 👍🏾

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