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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jun 26, 2021, 8 tweets

Next, on a huge day for us, came the eagerly anticipated news

NY Times told us that Manhattan DA will issue criminal indictments of Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg, their CFO, next week.

Note. This is NEWS story. It hasn't HAPPENED yet. It SHOULD happen next week

First, this is Weisselberg = NY Tax path to take Trump to prison for life. I told you Trump faces over 20 criminal & civil cases, and 3 of those paths take Trump to prison for life

I said Weisselberg = NY Taxes is FASTEST way to get Trump in prison

This is not Giuliani or Jan 6

I also told you, to expect Weisselberg indictment to come in July. I am not yet celebrating my forecast. Let's see when he is actually indicted

This news tells us MORE about Weisselberg (= NY Taxes) path to take Trump to prison. It is the 'Trump Org' part of the news

What does criminally indicting a corporation mean? It means, that if Manhattan DA win in court, (at least some of) the EXECUTIVES in charge of this corporation will go to prison. They cannot just pay a fine. Because Allen was named, it measn OTHER executives in ADDITION to Allen

In practise, this clever indictment FORCES the Hitler Jugend kids, Ivanka, Beavis & Butthead Trump to play a game of chicken against each other. Fastest to flip gets best deal

Judging by how she forgot to attend daddy's 75th birthday, I think Ivanka is best bet to flip first

It is CERTAIN that in THIS CASE (Manhattan DA = Trump taxes) Donald Trump will be indicted, CONVICTED & imprisoned. About decade on THIS CRIME ALONE

Then come MORE crimes related to Weisselberg (totaling 5) getting Trump LIFE IN PRISON

This is before Giuliani path or Jan 6 path

What the Weisselberg path moves to NEXT is the pressure on the Trump kids to flip on Daddy. Weisselberg will be indicted this coming week. One of the kids will flip this summer (maybe all will eventually flip) Weisselberg trial starts this autumn

Then the dominos lead to Trump


Gosh, I forgot to mention this important aspect. EVERY bank loan has standard clauses of termination. They all allow cancellation of loan on criminal behavior. ALL Trump banks related to Weisselberg can IMMEDIATELY insist Trump pay them back. If not, they SEIZE HIS BUILDINGS

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