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Jun 26, 2021, 8 tweets

356/ 5/24 UFO lobbyist @SteveBassett: "The Disclosure event is coming & it's the biggest event in human history... It's almost impossible to measure it."
If ETH is true & UAPTF hearings lead to #disclosure, he's spot on.
If ETH is false, UAP are prosaic🤷‍♂️…

357/ @SteveBassett said his UAP media archive 1000+ articles now, & that he's reading them all.
My assessment is that he's tracking the political rhetoric & deconstructing the 60k foot strategy better than anyone else right now.

358/ @SteveBassett to WaPo's @AshleyRParker: "The American people may hear from their govt the biggest truth, ever relayed, in a formal way to the human race... Now if you’re going to start truth-telling, to regain trust, why not start with a big one?"

359/ Attn: #UFOTwitter UAPTF is moving into a political phase towards hearings now.
@SteveBassett points out it was WaPo bureau chief @AshleyRParker who wrote the June 1 piece on how UFOs are the most bipartisan issue right now in agreement to investigate.

@SteveBassett @AshleyRParker 360/ Interesting to see @EricRWeinstein do some truth of reconciliation in admitting he was wrong for being a staunch UFO skeptic, he apologizes, commits to listening more, & thanks the patriots & scientists who reached out to give him an early heads up.

361/ If you only read one summary of UAP Task Force preliminary assessment, then @NewYorker's Gideon Lewis-Kraus has the most comprehensive & coherent synthesis I've seen so far.
Great writing & analysis + a nice shot at Mick West.…

362/ 2004 Tic Tac UAP witness @DietrichVFA41 responds to @neiltyson's anti-intellectual mockery of UFOs. Tyson either hasn't read the UAP preliminary assessment or he's willingly contributing to the "sociocultural stigma" that Dietrich is fighting against.

363/ I debated @MickWest's UAP hypotheses on @LuAngeles' Unidentified Celebrity Review.
I called for more nuance & skepticism in his public declarations + to consider broader context.

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