356/ 5/24 UFO lobbyist @SteveBassett: "The Disclosure event is coming & it's the biggest event in human history... It's almost impossible to measure it."
If ETH is true & UAPTF hearings lead to #disclosure, he's spot on.
If ETH is false, UAP are prosaic🤷♂️ politico.com/newsletters/po…
357/ @SteveBassett said his UAP media archive 1000+ articles now, & that he's reading them all.
My assessment is that he's tracking the political rhetoric & deconstructing the 60k foot strategy better than anyone else right now. paradigmresearchgroup.org/media-coverage/
358/ @SteveBassett to WaPo's @AshleyRParker: "The American people may hear from their govt the biggest truth, ever relayed, in a formal way to the human race... Now if you’re going to start truth-telling, to regain trust, why not start with a big one?"
359/ Attn: #UFOTwitter UAPTF is moving into a political phase towards hearings now. @SteveBassett points out it was WaPo bureau chief @AshleyRParker who wrote the June 1 piece on how UFOs are the most bipartisan issue right now in agreement to investigate.
@SteveBassett@AshleyRParker 360/ Interesting to see @EricRWeinstein do some truth of reconciliation in admitting he was wrong for being a staunch UFO skeptic, he apologizes, commits to listening more, & thanks the patriots & scientists who reached out to give him an early heads up.
361/ If you only read one summary of UAP Task Force preliminary assessment, then @NewYorker's Gideon Lewis-Kraus has the most comprehensive & coherent synthesis I've seen so far.
Great writing & analysis + a nice shot at Mick West. newyorker.com/news/daily-com…
362/ 2004 Tic Tac UAP witness @DietrichVFA41 responds to @neiltyson's anti-intellectual mockery of UFOs. Tyson either hasn't read the UAP preliminary assessment or he's willingly contributing to the "sociocultural stigma" that Dietrich is fighting against.
2/ Zuckerberg saying we're going to be taking another big step forward with VR after walking through a history of VR tech since the Oculus acquisition.
3/ @boztank talking about some ecosystem stats for VR apps.
Philosophically they want to make ecosystem more open & how some apps have onboarded via the App Lab. Will push towards openness.
Pico was acquired by Bytedance (aka @tiktok_us) & they’re taking on Meta as the best standalone VR competitor to the Quest (but only in Europe & Asia to start).
Thread 🧵👇 to digest the livestream & news
2/ My sources of @PICOXR news are the official livestream👆
@CasandChary have the most comprehensive & digest & hands on:
3/ Here's 1st of 4 trailers @PICOXR showed during their Pico 4 announcement livestream.
Pico 4 has color, mixed reality passthrough while Meta is expected to launch similar features with Meta Quest Pro but at a higher price point.
Pico 4 Pro details to be announced at AWE Lisbon
1/ I recorded an epic recap & reviews of the 30 immersive stories in competition at #VeniceImmersive with @vrgeschichten.
We chat about each experience for ~5 min, & so it's a comprehensive break down of this year's selection. voicesofvr.com/1121-venice-im…
20+ interviews coming soon
2/ I'm about to release other 20 podcasts from #VeniceImmersive, and here's a sneak peak of the 26 episodes, which total just over 24 hours worth of coverage.
3/ Here's the Twitter thread of my live coverage from #VeniceImmersive, which starts with an interview with co-curators Liz Rosenthal and Michel Reilhac. voicesofvr.com/1119-venice-im…
I'll be onsite at #VeniceImmersive covering the fest & this is will be my THREAD🧵👇
2/ There will be 10 hours of different #VRChat world hops during #VeniceImmersive spanning 30 different worlds.
The guided tours are only available on site, but the worlds are public.
I link to all of the @VRChat worlds by genre at the bottom of this post: voicesofvr.com/1119-venice-im…
3/ The video below has trailers for the 30+ different #VRChat worlds featured in the #VeniceImmersive World Gallery Selection.