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My view of the world, author of

Jun 26, 2021, 7 tweets

Updating this for June Week 4.

The only way to describe this week is OFF THE CHARTS.

Forget all the encouraging steady rise numbers so far. This week blew them away, doubling the 7DMA in a week to begin with:


Each of the last 8 days - from Sat Jun 19 to Sat Jun 26 - were all time best days of week for vaccinations, with 26th overtaking the perf on 18th. The past week dominates the list of best ever single days for vaccinations:


June Week 4 was by a long distance the best ever week, with almost 45 million vaccinations done, exceeding the populations of many countries:


The extrapolated dynamic production rate computed from consumption accelerated from just under 120m/month prior week to 224m/month from this week’s data. If this momentum keeps up, 6-7million/day can be sustained.


Ourworldindata is a couple of days behind, but India overtook EU and North America in number of people with at least one vaccine dose, due to the sharp acceleration this week.


India also overtook combined Americas and all of Europe in the rate of daily vaccinations as a 7DMA this week, crossing 6 million a day, much more than the peak performance in Europe, home to most major vaccine companies:


This week was the week many of us have been waiting for, reporting outstanding numbers day after day. Now the task is to sustain and accelerate from here. June and July were always meant to be a period of acceleration, and it’s clearly happening now.


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