Suzie Dawson Profile picture
I don't hope, I build: Panquake. Like surveillance, censorship is a for-profit industry that requires perpetual growth. Use if you care about privacy!

Jun 27, 2021, 9 tweets

THREAD: @pan_quake's 5th Public Delivery Event just wrapped filming and will be posted online soon. Featured some huge announcements on all that's been done in the last month & what's to come this week!

Read through the below for a spoiler with a TL;DR of all the details!


Thanks to YOU all our key campaign metrics are UP UP UP this month, despite PayPal having effectively seized (without saying so) 40% of our total income since May 13th

No wonder the powers that be feel threatened - this campaign is consistently GROWING!


Because making good on our promises in our delivery meetings is so important to us, we revisit the previous month's announcements then present the new month's progress. Last month we said coding would begin June 5th. It did & now MAJOR parts of our build are underway!


Now comes the super fun stuff. Introducing: Talk Liberation


Talk Liberation - Your Worldwide Internet Report, hosted by the very talented @_taylorhudak will be delivering you the week's top news in internet issues via long form articles & in high production quality video episodes, on Substack!

Subscribe here:


Taylor joined me on the stream to give all the details about the new show, which given the quality of her work, is likely to take off like wildfire!

Finally - a trustworthy source in short form weekly internet news. Brought to you by @pan_quake.



This month's State of the Business report is from our new Relationship Manager, who is in charge of outreach and business development.

Her heartfelt testimony is a wonderful reminder of how deeply heartfelt & right-motivated the commitment of our team members is


That wraps another month. We came through yet again & won't stop, rain, hail, shine, or GINORMOUS HEAT WAVE that had us sweating over the screen!

We have an amazing team, an amazing product & an amazing community

& we're only $32,092 from final phase!

Thanks to you, we know there will be Panquake. The only question now is when?

YOUR actions & efforts will help decide that.

Vote for a future with freedom of communication by spreading this link everywhere!


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