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Academic piracy here. Social science: Substack: Nothing here represents Rutgers.

Jun 27, 2021, 7 tweets

@RhiannonDauster @MGalvanPsych "The evidence is overwhelming."
While on the topic of cherrypicking, shall we look at some of the other evidence?
17 experiments, nationally representative samples.
No bias.

@RhiannonDauster @MGalvanPsych Huge audit study NOT included in the meta-analysis Galvan cites. I wonder why?

@RhiannonDauster @MGalvanPsych Other experimental studies finding somewhere between 0 and trivial levels of discrim.

@RhiannonDauster @MGalvanPsych Self-reported discrim, huge samples, trivial diffs.
Oh snap!

@RhiannonDauster @MGalvanPsych "On and on, the list goes on and on..."

@RhiannonDauster @MGalvanPsych Ah "consensus" -- the last resort of those who rely on groupthink rather than the full scope of the evidence.

@RhiannonDauster @MGalvanPsych "No, Virginia, the evidence is not overwhelming. "Overwhelming" is kinda the last thing the (whole) weight of the evidence is.

Though for sure, the "consensus" is overwhelming. That is definitely true.

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