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Jun 27, 2021, 11 tweets

A new documentary by @barbara_shearer will shed light on the Manhattan socialite whose association with Jeffrey Epstein turned her into a pariah.

@Josiensor meets the filmmaker to find out more


👑 Maxwell introduced the Duke of York to Epstein.

Contributors claim Ghislaine “will not take the fall alone,” so the question remains how she might yet extricate herself from the murky web of her own creation?

Will she serve Prince Andrew up as collateral damage?

The documentary will cover:

📌 Her dysfunctional childhood (Ghislaine's mother says she was anorexic at the age of three)

📌 Her halcyon days at Oxford

📌 Her life as Epstein’s accomplice, his arrest and suicide and the FBI raid of her house in New Hampshire

🇬🇧 Ghislaine was finally arrested last year.

According to a former Israeli Intelligence operative, Ghislaine met Epstein in London in the 1980s through her father, not in the 1990s in New York.

Shearer says Epstein "was interested in the influential daughter of a media baron”

🎤 On the record

Shearer interviewed 200 people for the programme:

“The biggest challenge was getting people to talk on camera. Even if we offered to film them in shadow, at the last minute they would pull out because the association with Ghislaine and Epstein is so toxic"

⁉️ Verifying the truth

"We then had to vet those who did contribute, and verify what they said. Our team combed through 1,000 pages of deposition material and court transcripts to make sure that everything that is on screen is factually correct"

🔊 Survivors speak out

The most powerful testimony comes from Maria Farmer, who worked for Epstein and Maxwell for 18 months before she was allegedly sexually abused. She says:

“Ghislaine is a monster. Either she gets away with everything or she gets killed"

❌ What next?

The trial has been delayed due to new allegations.

The documentary posits theories that Ghislaine might not even end up in court on November 29; that she will take a plea bargain because many people do not want the information that Ghislaine has being made public

🔴 The woman behind the monster

“I don’t excuse any of Ghislaine’s behaviour but I seek to explain her journey; a woman shrouded in mystery for years who lived in her father’s shadow, then Epstein’s shadow"

⚖️ The verdict

“Ghislaine is complicated. That her early life informed her life with Epstein. She was raised by a father who was either abusive or spoiled her, so she learned at a young age to navigate difficult, despicable men...She lived for a proximity to power"

Read the full story here ⬇️…

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