Alireza Nader علیرضا نادر Profile picture
Iran & Middle East scholar

Jun 27, 2021, 13 tweets

Petrochemical workers in Bushehr, #Iran go on strike. Thousands of workers in different sectors of the economy are going on strike across #Iran.

Livestock owners in Yazd #Iran go on strike

Protests by livestock owners in Isfahan #Iran

Strikes by energy workers of GAMA Company

Workers at Nima Azmoon refinery in Asouliyeh join nationwide strikes in #Iran

Workers from the NGL3100 gas refinery join nationwide strikes

Protests by current & retired airline workers

Farmers in Isfahan #Iran protest against water shortages afflicting much of #Iran

Truck drivers servicing Isfahan’s oil refinery are reported to have joined nationwide strikes in #Iran

Workers from Lamord refinery join nationwide strikes in #Iran

Workers from the Andimeshk power plant go on strike in #Iran

Workers of Ardebil Petrochemical join nationwide strikes across #Iran.

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