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Jun 27, 2021, 14 tweets

Turn Tweets into screenshots and automatically post them on Instagram.

Here's how to use Zapier + Pikaso to automate this process.

Zapier .com lets you connect apps and automate stuff.

Pikaso .me lets you turn tweets into images.

Combine these two, and you'll never have to post a screenshot of your tweet on IG manually.

Zapier calls their automations "Zaps"

In this Zap:

1. I'm collecting data from Twitter
2. Filtering through the tweets
3. Turning the tweet into a screenshot (using Pikaso)
4. Scheduling the images on Social Bee*

* btw, you can post automatically to Instagram from Zapier

First, connect your Twitter account to Zapier.

Then add Twitter to the Zap and select "User Tweet" as the trigger event.

This trigger tells Zapier about every tweet you tweet (including replies) and every RT to make.

Now it's time to select the user that will Zapier will track.

Write your Twitter handle in the username input.

Finally, test the trigger.

Remember, Zapier will detect every tweet you tweet and every RT to make.

So the next step is to filter through all of them, to ignore the replies and the RT'ed tweets that aren't yours.

That way your IG account only showcases your best tweets.

It's time to filter.

Choose the 'Filter' action Zapier provides.

Then add these filters (img 2).

Favorite → True
In Reply To Status ID → False
Retweet Status User Screen Name → add your Twitter handle

So what does this filter do?

Let me explain

Favorite → True
Did you hit the like button? If yes, proceed.

In Reply To Status ID → False
Is the tweet a reply? If no, proceed.

Retweet Status User Screen Name → add your Twitter handle
Did you RT the tweet? If yes, proceed.

Let me explain further.

Zapier only proceeds IF you RT'ed and Liked one of your tweets.. and the tweet is NOT a reply


I do so b/c I sometimes RT the same tweet a couple of times

By adding the like, I avoid screening multiple screenshots of the same tweet if I RT it again.

In summary, I tell Zapier to turn the tweet into a screenshot...

IF I liked and RTed one of MY tweets
AND that tweet was tweeted by me

If I don't want the tweet to go to IG, I just RT without liking the tweet.

Whats next?

I tell Zapier to send the Tweet ID to Pikaso

The parameter I use for this is "Retweeted Status Id Str" (img 3)

Note: if you select the ID parameter, your screenshot will come out with the word RT in from oft the text (img 2).

The final step is to create a post in Social Bee.

If you don't have Social Bee, use Hootsuite or Buffer.

Just make sure to add the image from Pikaso to the media input.

Yes, this is a bit technical (if you're new to Zapier).

But it much easier than coding.

And it'll save you tons of time.

If you liked this, follow me @joserosado.

And feel free to RT.

Here's a link to the Zap…

Copy it to your Zapier account.

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