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Jun 27, 2021, 9 tweets

In the same weekend:

➡️ China hit a milestone of delivering more than 1 billion vaccine doses
➡️ Brazil reached more than 500,000 Covid deaths

While the end of the pandemic is in sight, Covid is continuing to wreak havoc around the globe

The virus continues to devastate.

➡️ The developing world doesn’t have enough shots
➡️ Too many existing inequities have grown worse
➡️ There’s excess bureaucracy

There’s no end to the cycle of coronavirus surges and lockdowns without vaccinations.

There must be a concerted push to get vaccines to the developing world soon — and not by backloading donations

The ability to efficiently deliver policies, correct course, and hold the population’s trust has been a big predictor of pandemic-management success

We know from past pandemics that the finale was never going to be clear-cut.

➡️ It’s hard to pinpoint the end of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic
➡️ Mass vaccination efforts to combat polio aren’t yet over

But we don’t have to repeat all the same mistakes

Covid-19 vaccines created an opportunity to earn back some much-needed political capital for some nations.

Others hung back in the inoculation race but are now sprinting to catch up as new variants threaten

It’s not just a problem for the poorest. Japan has underperformed thanks to:

➡️ Regulation around new medicines slowing the vaccine rollout
➡️ A chronic staff shortage

The country has fully vaccinated only 7% of residents

Amid the excitement of reopening, there needs to be a recognition that the pandemic left the most vulnerable further behind.

Covid-19 is fueling a multi-speed global economy and making it harder to close gaps

After a pandemic that has touched all corners of the world, we need to invest in:

➡️ Vaccinations
➡️ Future generations
➡️ Health care capacity

This will ensure we do better next time

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