Matthew Sheffield Profile picture
Fmr. right-wing operative, now a progressive writer & commentator Podcasting: @TheoryChange, @doomscrollshow Signal/Phone: 202-215-9123

Jun 28, 2021, 9 tweets

1/x If you really want to see how things are in GOP politics, don't listen to talking head shows, just read the articles at Townhall written by party loyalists who want sore loser Trump to go away & then scroll down to the comments.

Let's take a look:…

The article in question, by @RebeccaRoseGold, is a fairly neutral writeup for the crybaby speech the exprez delivered. It was massively triggering to the supposedly "tough" and "manly" Townhall audience.

The #1 voted comment whines that she invaded his safe space

"Douglas" gets some pushback but doubles down by implying that anything Trump claims is a "hoax" or a "crime" should be assumed to be so. No quotation marks allowed according to little Douglas.

Right-wing media audiences expect total devotion to the great leader

Others chime in as well, angry that Downs dared to quote Sen. Roy Blunt as saying it's time to move on and stop whining and crying about losing in 2020.

Of course, she's correct in this regard. Trump's sore loser response divides Republicans and alienates independents.

Later on in the discussion, after scores of offended, pearl-clutching remarks about neutral political coverage, one commenter claims that "real Americans" aren't afraid to state the truth. No one sees the hypocrisy

Further on, a Trump opponent who somehow hasn't been banned for political incorrectness gets a dig in at the failed exprez and is promptly told he's "blocked" by a baby who can't handle it

I won't quote all of them but the thread is filled with vituperations against someone just trying to do her job. Trumpism has become a cult whose followers demand total absolute obedience. Neutral journalism is not permitted, despite all the fake cries of "liberal media bias"

Townhall and every other conservative site is read by people who hate it. Far-right Republicans hate their own party and have for decades. Here's a comment thread degrading Downs and also Townhall writer Guy Benson for being gay.

The abuse goes on for hundreds more comments

This is how the comments on all major right-wing website are.

The GOP will never be rid of Trump until it casts out the vicious reactionaries who call themselves "conservatives."

He & they will gladly take down the GOP along w/them if they cannot destroy America /end

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