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Jun 28, 2021, 8 tweets

🔥Hotter than the human body can handle

🇵🇰@benfarmerDT visited Jacobabad - a city in Pakistan that was one of the hottest places on the planet.

This is what he found ~ 🧵👇…

When the full midsummer heat hits Jacobabad the streets are deserted and residents hunker down as best they can.

🌡️Temperatures that can top 52C (126F)

📸Photos by @saiyna…

☀️The city in Pakistan's Sindh province has long been renowned for its fierce heat, but recent research has conferred an unwelcome scientific distinction.

“When it gets that hot, you can't even stay on your feet,” explains one resident, Zamir Alam

❌Its mixture of heat and humidity has made it one of only two places on earth to have now officially passed the threshold hotter than the human body can withstand…

🛍️Stretches of the town's bazaar are dedicated to keeping cool.

Shops sell electric fans and low-tech coolers.

⚡️However, electric solutions are undermined by frequent power cuts

How do people cope?

🧊Ice is very popular
🌬️Some carry hand fans
🪣People also simply dunk buckets of water over their heads

For those who can afford it, there is the chance to spend the summer in Quetta or Karachi, which are still fiercely hot, but offer some relief

🔴World Bank research has warned weather changes risk badly denting living standards of hundreds of millions.

As temperatures rise and rainfall patterns shift - difficulties with farming, irrigation, disease and labour are predicted to badly hit people's quality of life by 2050

📈Jacobabad's residents say they felt the temperature in the town was getting higher, but have few options.

“People are aware that the heat is getting up and up, but they are poor people. They can't go anywhere” said Zahid Hussain, a market trader…

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