Corey Quinn Profile picture
Chief Cloud Economist at @DuckbillGroup. Father to @QuinnyPiglet & @theMunchQuinn. he/him Get my snarky take on AWS news:

Jun 28, 2021, 24 tweets

And now I say the things I probably shouldn't.…

It's true.

So true.

I've done Twitter threads on this, but they weren't set to piano music.

Yup yup yup.

"You're not just someone who can warm a chair, you're someone who can warm a chair who might know Kubernetes."

Every interview distills down to "Can you do the job, will you do the job, can we stand working with you?"

This does take interviewers back somewhat.

The only reason you ever left a job is "growth." Every other answer is fraught.

Resigning is an art.

If you're ready to quit, is for you.

Set up references before you need them.

And now the @awscloud specific stuff.

"Are certifications worth it?" It depends.


"I believe on some deep-seated level that I'm funny. Please don't email me."

And now...


Begin as you mean to continue.

People have long memories.

Talk smack with caution.

"I could make twice as much elsewhere." Either you're delusional or a fool for staying. Which is it?

And of course, the price of admission for the talk:

And thus ends the talk. Yay!

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