Florin Profile picture
Dissecting dubious claims around the pandemic origin, mainly from the pro-zoonosis crew.

Jun 28, 2021, 12 tweets

BREAKING NEWS! The entire website onehealtplatform.com has been deleted to cover-up One Health's ties to Peter Daszak. It has been replaced by worldonehealthcongress.org which makes no mention of him or the 5 year history of bat CoVs collection, research & biodefence policy. 1/7

The new site was launched after 27.04.20 and linked with the old one until 18.03.21, when the menu is striped of the old link, past events, etc. Until May 6th the old site redirects to the new one. Then onehealthplatform.com and Daszak's history get permanently deleted. 2/7

The '20 congress still invites Ecohealth but swaps Daszak for Karesh, promoted to chair. It's striking the Biodefence committee stays the same from the '18 congress in Canada. Poor Daszak was the only one to pay for the pandemic and had to do a talk at a One Health sideshow. 3/7

I uncovered this thanks to @angie_rasmussen's cover-up, just like Amy's meltdown pointed me to the Pulitzer & C-SPAN cosmetic adulterations. Comparatively, this looks like burning down Alexandria's Library. Tons of information would be lost without archive.org. 4/7

Nobody knew why Angie left Lipkin's CII. She wasn’t leaving, just moving under DOD umbrella: UW, CII, then in Nov ‘20 @georgetown_ghss and bio data @viralemergence under @RebeccaKatz also DOD. But Angie loves bad pathogens, so she moved to @VIDOInterVac in Canada, also DOD! 5/7

Angie is @usask so I found the lucky words to the broken Saskatoon '18 Congress webpage. The rest is history: Daszak and his friend trying to save us by scrubbing all wildlife on Earth. Since @VIDOInterVac has Chinese grants too, I hope it’s not the next WIV closer to home. 6/7

I’ll tweet links later for reasons of traffic in case others want to comb through that information. Until then search the right words on these two websites 7/7

@TheSeeker268 @franciscodeasis @Ayjchan @mattwridley @nicholsonbaker8

UPDATE. I've made a typo in the deleted URL, this is the correct one but it's still not working: onehealthplatform.com
I'm also adding some more relevant pics:
1.are those bats handles safely?!
2.the list of VIDO contributors includes 5 Chinese entities and the DOD.

9. The One Health Platform created by MacKenzie, Osterhaus and Vanlangendonck in 2015 in a small Belgian town has been dissolved on 07.06.2021! No public financials, but were funded by Gates. MacKanzie signed the Lancet letter and is in Daszaks's Ecohealth Alliance. Keep reading!

10. OHP received another grant but I need someone with a paying account to retrieve this information. Anyone?! Any Belgians want to help us find more public records about this suddenly terminated foundation?! @KristofClerix @SharriMarkson @DaveKeating @ICIJorg @ZaakJustitie

@BillyBostickson, Peter Daszak is an Englishman who doesn't know the correct name for the capital of Scotland! No wonder he was first to get caught.😂

11. Same address hosts 2 other companies of this trio: Semiotics & Systematics. These have public financial data and make a profit. This Semiotics description does sound bizarre. What kind of science info is disseminated from a Belgian farm?! @sparta_eu @HonkHase @guyverhofstadt

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