Florin Profile picture
Dissecting dubious claims around the pandemic origin, mainly from the pro-zoonosis crew.
Postcards of the Hanging(s) Profile picture razrbakrok Profile picture Ava Profile picture Misha šŸ•µā€ā™€ļø Who's the 6th all-seeing šŸ‘ Profile picture Klein Wanderer Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jun 24 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
UPDATE. Debarre collected personal data of her opponents by a trap link to her @ENS_ULM webpage to blackmail them. An illegal phishing attack!
Concerned "JDB" meant malware, I hurried to alert all. Seems JDB stands for JD Bloom.
Same way Flo spied on me in 2022! More later.
šŸ§µ Notice how @flodebarre only denies she used malware against her opponents. She did not deny the fact she used a masked link to her webpage to trap her opponents in order to illegally collect and use their data. Hopefully she get investigated by @ENS_ULM & @CNIL @CNIL_en! Image
Jun 23 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
I caught @CNRS scientist @flodebarre using Sorbonne @ENS_ULM servers for a phishing attack on other scientists like @zeynep @nizzaneela @ban_epp_gofroc et al.!
She tricked people to click on a link to her webpage to phish & infect them by JDB!
She then blackmailed them with it!šŸ§µ Image Context:
Debarre has a history of trying to silence her critics by making bogus complains online or to their employers. Nod is her latest target because he forced a Pekar et al. '22 correction & debunks erroneous claims from Debarre & co.
Like he did yesterday on Zeynep's thread.
Jun 1 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
šŸšØI found evidence @PeterDaszak took @PhilippMarkolin on a 2022 bat sampling trip to Thailand:
-I geolocated a Daszak video at exact spot as Phil's bat sampling pic
-I spotted Phil in Daszak's media + other identical details!
-Phil's pattern of life matched Thailand time zone.
šŸ§µ Image Here's Daszak's photo having coffee with Markolin in Thailand in 2022 before entering Khao Chong Pran cave together. And the selfie Markolin took in the nearby makeshift lab during the sampling of the bats from that cave.
Exact height, haircut, hair color and t-shirt color!
May 27 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Biased pandemic origin influencer @Philippmarkolin lied he didn't have any links to Peter Daszak!
He recently posted bat sampling pics to prove his Biology credentials.
I locate one photo to a bat sampling trip in Thailand funded by PREDICT & NIH NIAID CREID grants to Daszak!šŸ§µ Image Markolin has used this picture before in an article about sapling fruit bats for Nipah virus near a temple in Thailand through the PREDICT and NIH funds to Peter Daszak. But it was only yesterday when he revealed he was also part of a bat sampling trip.

Feb 11 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
The lady doth protest too much, methinks!šŸ™‚

Notice 293 appearing in bold in screenshot Daszak took from his burner. He's regularly scanning for mentions to Baric's 2018 DEFUSE drafting likely reference to making chimeras with Shi's 293 Mojiang viruses containing SARS2 relatives. Image Daszak's insistence that this perfectly valid hypothesis is just a conspiracy theory, knowing how this most dishonest crook used false conspiracy theory smears to stifle pandemic origin debates, it's almost confirmation that Baric really made Mojiang chimeras in 2017-2018. Image
Jun 27, 2023 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
LA Times business writer @hiltzikm is by far the most shamelessly dishonest zoonati propagandist!
His latest piece is a case study in journalistic malpractice: contains 9 lies & 11 misrepresentations!
Lies 1&2: Intel report doesn't debunk LLH, which is not a conspiracy theory.šŸ§µ Lies 3&4: The lie that the ODNI report debunks the lab leak hypothesis is repeated both in the pic caption and in the 2nd paragraph.
Misrepresentation 1: There is circumstantial evidence SARS2 leaked from a lab. All the zoonosis evidence is also just circumstantial.
May 28, 2023 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read
This must be @flodebarre's most dishonest thread: 6 misrepresentations & 12 lies trying to whitewash @edwardcholmes & the pangolin disinformation!
Flo's lies:
Lie 1: SCAU only said "as high as 99%!" Eddie lied it was "99% identical!"
Lie 2: Article was correct & Eddie wrong!
šŸ§µ Image Yes, up to 99%! Eddie meant overall.
Misrepresentation 1: Pangolins became sensation helped by Holmes&co.!
Misrep 2: Eddie submitted his paper Feb 7, day of SCAU conf., together with another paper Wong et al. from US, both naming a new pango virus identically! Likely coordinated. Image
May 25, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Well, @stuartjdneil did manage to surprise me and deleted his false claim I sexually harassed Angie Rasmussen! Which he soon replaced with a DARVO thread full of non-libelous lies.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
Baby steps are fine. Now let's dive in Stu's alt-reality where oxygen is replaced by cope.šŸ˜†
1/n Image 2. Stu keeps misrepresenting I was suspended for violent threats because he can't accept how this site works. He should ask @BioTurboNick who knows those notifications say "we found through OTHER reports." I was only suspended for s!lly, rednekk, despic@ble, fre@k & FOIA email.šŸ™„ Image
May 21, 2023 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
I found evidence @stuartjdneil uses burner @God32357149 to harass other scientists with vile homophobic slurs. @PeterDaszak amplified this account a lot!
The tweet is 100% Stuart's expressions! The list:
- Stu invented "Dickie E Not-so-bright" and no one else but them use it!
1/7 Image Here's @stuartjdneil using for the first time these expressions in Jun 2022 against @R_H_Ebright. God started using them this Jan. Absolutely no one else on twitter uses them! In the last couple of months @God32357149 aka Stuart Neil used variations of it for 50 times!

May 16, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
In spring 2020 Fauci's puppets Andersen, @edwardcholmes, Garry & co. were brainwashing US Gov, Intel Community & the world that SARS2 was a natural virus. But Defense Intelligence Agency scientists Chretien & Cutlip were not impressed and called BS on their Proximal Origin!šŸ¤”
1/n Image 2. It's very significant that this rebuttal of Fauci, @JeremyFarrar & Andersen's Proximal Origin comes from DIA's NCMI since they intercepted signals of a new disease spreading in Wuhan in early November 2019! Same month DIA issued a situation report.
May 6, 2023 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
Found source of disinformation "Chinese officials" denied in WHO report live wildlife sold at Huanan market 2019: sloppy reporting from @amymaxmen selectively quoted by sloppy source of disinfo @emmecola. Of course!šŸ˜…
Lie used now by @flodebarre to justify Raccoon Dog Gate.šŸ¤” 1/8 Image 2. One can clearly see in 2021 WHO-China origin report that it wasn't "Chinese officials" but market management, who only denied illegal wildlife trade. The report acknowledges sale of farmed wildlife, plus media reports on 2019 wildlife trade, saying market can't verify them. Image
Apr 11, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Latest documents only prove Fauci & Andersen's unethical scientific misconduct. @GOPoversight should know they also illegally conspired & attempted to mislead POTUS!
-An email Fauci got from Farrar found its way into WH's OSTP letter!
-Andersen mislead POTUS in his OSTP answer!šŸ§µ Image 2. Here's a thread explaining how a Feb 1 2020 email Fauci got from Farrar framed the Feb 3 OSTP origin letter to NASEM's scientists. Fauci&co. conspired to mislead the POTUS by using the president's own OSTP to frame the origin investigation as zoonotic!
Mar 30, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Sample A20 is from a vendor's glove at Huanan on Jan 1 2020. Beside SARS-CoV-2 it has bits of: RaTG13, pangolin SARS-L, HKU3, ZMY1, Rs672, RhGB01 & 2 unidentified SARS-like viruses!
Either this is Shi Zhengli's glove or it indicates A20 is a lab contamination! Sorry Worobey!šŸ˜€
šŸ§µ 2. This sample might've been sequenced on a machine that previously sequenced these viral samples & a lineage A SARS2 sample which ended up contaminating A20. Meaning there was no lineage A at the Huanan market on Jan 1 2020.
So the pandemic started earlier, and somewhere else!
Mar 29, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
.@SmritiMallapaty redeems herself with this accurate piece on @MichaelWorobey's group unethical scoop. Smiriti even got her own scoop: the Chinese authors told Crits et al. to "hold off" after @edwardcholmes informed them he wants to publish their scoop!šŸ§µ
nature.com/articles/d4158ā€¦ 2. Here's @edwardcholmes fessing up that he first announced the Chinese authors only of his intent to publish without them! This was on March 10. Only on Mar 11 @MichaelWorobey asked then for a collaboration. So the Chinese authors & @GISAID are correct!
Mar 27, 2023 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Fourth time @flodebarre changes her GISAID data story!
New detail: Flo first alerted her coauthors about new data on Mar 4, not 9! Though "they were surprised" & she was "obsessed" none of them opened the files. Flo waited for 5 days to look inside!
Implausible & contradictory.šŸ§µ 2. Flo Debarre's story be like:
-Getting tens of emails with subject: Sequences you're obsessing for for a year!
-Not opening any email, but asking interested friends who were surprised yet didn't ask to read either!
-Opening them 5 days later, yet not downloading attachments!šŸ¤Ø
Mar 27, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
After denial, and private anger, @MichaelWorobey has reached the bargaining stage!
In a rather short 47-tweet thread he presented their non-findings, then gave China the recipe for setting some animals up so he won't have to retract his double Dec '19 spillover at Huanan study.šŸ§µ What started as bargaining about reverse engineering zoonotic evidence, it soon turned into desperately begging China to "maybe, just maybe" help him 'find' a SARS2 susceptible animal, ANY fella!, that passed through the market. Even if they gotta dig up dead animals from 2002!šŸ˜…
Mar 25, 2023 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
I found early versions of the Jan 1 2020 Huanan environmental sequences included in the Gao et al. preprint. One of them was lineage B.1.474 not B. The other was lineage A.5 instead of B!
If true this seems to invalidate Wororbey & Pekar's Dec 2019 Huanan origin hypothesis!
1/7šŸ§µ Image 2. These two Jan 1st sequences were submitted on Feb 9 2020:
- NMDC60013070-01 / EPI_ISL_408511 from wall sample F13
- NMDC60013070-01 / EPI_ISL_408512 from ground sample F54
both from stall with confirmed human patients.
Don't they seem too divergent for a Dec 2019 onset?!
Mar 17, 2023 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
I am told Flo Debarre found the Huanan SARS2 files in GISAID not by accident but because she was tipped off after the data was uploaded for the peer review of the Gao et al. preprint!
Also, what The Atlantic attributed to Flo is contradicted by what she told Science & NYT!šŸ§µ
1/10 Image 2. According to The Atlantic, Flo's "discovery" prompted the formation of a group led by Andersen, Worobey & Holmes. The very authors of Huanan origin studies that would be invalidated by Gao's study! Debarre's own preprint would also be invalidated!
Mar 1, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Newfound evidence shows China did share SARS-CoV-2 genome with WHO on Jan 9, 2020 but it couldn't be accessed on GenBank bc. Edward Holmes & co. embargoed it for their Nature article!
So it means post Jan 9th it was Eddie & co. who withheld the sequence from WHO & the world!
1/5 2. Chronology:
- Jan 5: SARS2 genome is uploaded to GenBank
- Jan 8: NCBI validates it, but Holmes & co. embargo it until July 2020 for their Nature manuscript
- Jan 9: China sends WHO genome
- Jan 10: Farrar complains WHO can't access it!
- Jan 11: Eddie "leaks" it blaming CCP!
Feb 27, 2023 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
News US agency now believes SARS2 leaked from a Wuhan lab coincided with:
1. The GOP-led pandemic origin congressional investigation.
2. China's intention to help Russia with lethal aid.
The intel release could be linked to 1 while the timing favors 2. Two birds with one stone?šŸ§µ Image 2. Maybe someone made sure the new lab leak intel makes it into the congressional investigation. Or maybe the Dems wanted it revealed before the Reps find it & score political points.
Or it could be linked to the other reveal that FBI still investigates the origin. H/t @thackerpd Image
Feb 22, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
USRTK asked for @edwardcholmes' emails re: Proximal Origin. @Sydney_Uni refused but provided a list of the dates of the pertinent emails.
Interestingly Eddie Holmes' first origin related email is from Jan 8, 2020! Plus few other Hawkins radiation bits from this moral blackhole.šŸ§µ 2. The flurry of Jan 24-25 emails was likely caused by Shi Zhengli publishing RaTG13, SARS2's closest relative. Last year we learned Holmes has kept secret that in 2018 he uploaded with Shi bits of RaTG13. No wonder Eddie still tries to claim SARS2 & RaTG13 are different species!