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Omna Tigray is a nonprofit focused on educated advocacy + economic development. Join our global movement to stop the genocidal war on Tigray.

Jun 29, 2021, 11 tweets

In the past 24 hrs, Tigray Defense Forces took back Mekelle + the elected Govt of Tigray has been re-instated. Civilian targeting increases after invading forces face huge losses in the war.

Join us as we call for action to protect the people of Tigray.…

Civilians are not targets.

The Ethiopian and Eritrean armies, along with Amhara militias have consistently brutally targeted civilians as part of their strategy during the ongoing genocidal war on Tigray. #CiviliansAreNotTargets

Tigrayan civilians are being directly attacked by Ethiopian, Eritrean and Amhara forces via:

- Retaliatory massacres
- Extrajudicial killings
- Indiscriminate shelling
- Weaponized rape
- Murdering aid workers to prevent medical and food support
- Use of illegal chemical weapons

Most recently, at least 64 Tigrayan civilians were killed and 180 injured in an Ethiopian military airstrike on a market in Togoga, Tigray. #TogogaMassacre

Civilian resources are also being attacked by Ethiopian, Eritrean + Amhara forces:

- 80% of Tigray's healthcare facilities have been destroyed
- 900,000+ civilians are suffering from man-made famine
- 75% of schools have been looted + damaged
- Communications blackouts continue

The international community must move from concerns to action to protect the people of Tigray.

Countries such as Italy + France continue to uphold bilateral weapon sales agreements with Ethiopia. These weapons may currently be used against civilians. @ItalyMFA @francediplo_EN

The most stable parts of Tigray are those under the control of TDF, which continues to protect civilians.

However, there are areas in Tigray that remain inaccessible, and Eritrean troops + Amhara militias continue to indiscriminately starve, rape and massacre Tigrayan civilians.

Over the past 24 hours, we've learned:

- TDF has taken back a number of cities, including Mekelle, the capital city of Tigray

- The elected Government of Tigray has been re-instated and continues to convey its readiness to assist humanitarian aid workers

More below 👇🏾

In collaboration with United Tegaru Australia, @SWTigray, @TigrayItalia, @Tigray_YouthCH and @tigrayyouthntwk, join us in calling for the following:

Tigray needs us more than ever, let’s make sure #CiviliansAreNotTargets.

Tweets available at:…

Hashtags: #CiviliansAreNotTargets
#AllEyesOnTigray #TigrayGenocide

Beginning now, June 29th.

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