Matt Braynard Profile picture
ED of @lookaheadorg. Friendly Neighborhood Community Organizer. Political Consultant. #JusticeforJ6. America First. America Forever.

Jun 29, 2021, 7 tweets

Important thread! Please RT.

Great candidates lose because their campaigns were broke while their opponents got millions from corporate PACs. $ pays for a candidate’s ability to reach mid- and low-info voters who decide elections. That’s the way it works in RealWorld.

Wednesday is the deadline for Q2, and a good report will convince big donors to get off the sidelines and lend further support.

I am asking you to please donate to these 4 candidates today. I know them personally and they have my full endorsement.

David Giglio (#CA16) is a former schoolteacher turned businessman who is the best hope to take flip this seat R since the 1970s. He is a tireless, America-First campaigner who is building a winning coalition of farm workers, conservatives, and Hispanics.…

Joe Kent (#WA3) is twenty-year special forces combat veteran, gold star husband, and former advisor to President Trump is an America First rockstar. He's the only hope we have to defeat Rep. Herrera Beutler, one of the ten Rs who voted to impeach Trump.

Tom Norton (#MI3). Rep. Meijer is one of ten Rs who voted for impeachment. Tom Norton is an Afghan vet, AF conservative leader and former village president waging a spirited grassroots campaign against Meijer who inherited billions from his family.…

Tracy Taylor (#GA2) is a a patriot, a fireman, and community leader in a difficult district. However, Rs running statewide (sen/gov) depend on turnout in the 2nd Congressional District, and Taylor’s GOTV operation will make the difference.…

Please give all you can today to these candidates:

Giglio (#CA16) -…

Kent (#WA3) -

Norton (#MI3) -…

Taylor (#GA2) -…

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