Matt Braynard Profile picture
ED of @lookaheadorg. Friendly Neighborhood Community Organizer. Political Consultant. #JusticeforJ6. America First. America Forever.
23 subscribers
Feb 27 4 tweets 3 min read
In late 2020, I shared evidence with @FBI agents that ActBlue was funding Hamas and laundering money.

Not only did they do nothing, but when I raised the issue again in 2022, I was urged to remain silent.

And still, nothing has happened. But today, I go public. 👇 Image I'm sharing the report I submitted to the FBI documenting ActBlue funding an organization run by five state-department designated terrorists groups, including Hamas.

Here's the link: ……Image
Jul 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
ActBlue disabled their credit card verification process so that as long as the card numbers are valid, the name and address don't need to match the actual card owner's.

No other donation platform allows this, and it results in higher transaction fees.

Why? Image My research on this was the basis of the report from Take Back America that was publicized on Fox News.…
Mar 25, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Today, I got a message from supporter of @LookAheadOrg disheartened by the continued over-prosecution and unfair treatment of nonviolent participants in the J6 protests and disappointed our org was not able to do more.

I shared the disappointment, and this was my response: @LookAheadOrg Look Ahead America did not exist on January 6th, 2021.

Despite that, we let the fight for Justice for J6 this way:
- Held 70 rallies and vigils to successfully reshape public opinion about is happening. This was a measurable shift.
Dec 2, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read

Short analysis of the voting location issues in Maricopa and how they affected Ds versus Rs. 1. It's not possible to precisely analyze if the issues happened disproportionately to Republicans based on voting location because voters had the option to vote anywhere in the county; they were not restricted on where they could vote based on their home precinct.
Sep 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
My point here isn't that Americans should rise up against our government, but to make plain how poorly our president (and so many others) understand the nature of warfare.

Every mess we've been in since Vietnam has been caused by this mindset. 🧵 An unpopular empire can be overthrown with a single pistol.

A pretty girl gives a lone sentry a smile, distracting him long enough for a fellow partisan to put one bullet in his skull and then seize his automatic rifle. Rinse, repeat, you outfit an army.
Aug 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I want to extend my gratitude to @joekent16jan19 for giving me the rare opportunity to run at full speed.

Joe gave this race absolutely everything he had and it inspired those of us on his team to do the same, and this was a legendary accomplishment. Let me tell you why:

🧵 Jaime Herrera Beutler was, without a doubt, the most difficult impeachment voter to dislodge. Unlimited money due to her position on the approps committee, unlimited dark money thanks to McCarthy's determination to save her,
Mar 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Obviously @RepMaxineWaters doesn't give a damn about these people. She got hers ($6 mill mansion). Image It probably wasn't easy for all of those people in her constituency to get to that location. But her chauffeured car couldn't get her out fast enough.

A member that cared for her constituency would have pulled up a chair, whipped out a notebook, and told them to form a line so
Mar 24, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
For the last 2 years, I've committed buying only things made in the USA unless absolutely impossible. I've made a lot of good discoveries I'll share in this thread which I will keep updated.

Join me in becoming an #economicpatriot. Sandals/Flip-flops: Rainbow Sandals.

These are the best flip-flops I've had in a long time, so no compromise. They're handmade in California.
Nov 23, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In the last week, @LookAheadOrg scored major victories in FL, GA, and NJ on vaccine mandates and election integrity thanks to the work of our America First community Organizers.

/Thread Florida Limits Vaccine Mandates. Our volunteers contacted all state legislators ahead of the Special Session to share constituent concerns and request meetings. We held many meetings with legislators via zoom & made sure they were fully educated about citizens’ demands.
Sep 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Hello @IngrahamAngle:

You shared quite a lot of disinformation about our #JusticeforJ6 rally on September 18.

It's clear you don't know what we're protesting for or what we've been protesting about for eight months. You claim ignorance despite us sending about thirty press releases to your network's producers over this time. While @foxnews hasn't covered it at all, nearly all of your local affiliates have.
Aug 26, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
In a particular conundrum on an @AmericanAir flight out of DC right now.

Bad weather caused a delay in departures so there's a traffic jam on the tarmac.

And the captain threatened if anybody else had to go to the bathroom he would take the plane back to the gate. And people are getting upset when someone gets up to go to the bathroom because the captain threatened to bring the plane back.
Aug 17, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
While it was not as bad/unfair as many hit pieces, Buzzfeed's story was written in a duplicitous and scummy way by @mimms.

I'll explain, but first here's the complete interview since context is missing from some of the quotes.

The day after the interview (Friday), I was flying to Yuma. When I landed in the mid-afternoon got a message from Sarah asking me to respond to two "senior staff" sources trashing my work with the Trump campaign.
Aug 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I understand frustration with @FoxNews for editing President Trump's interview, but @YouTube is the villain here. If Fox left it in, the whole interview would have been nuked by Youtube. 1/3 Similarly, at our first #j6 rally, one of the speakers brought up election questions.

Because I wanted the message about political prisoners to be spread as far as possible, I had to edit that comment out of the version we put on Youtube. And the video remains up today. 2/3
Aug 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
If I could raise the money, I'd hire someone full time with Look Ahead America to do a "Grift Report" website that analyzes candidates ripping off donors and consultants ripping off candidates. Example: This morning I spoke to a candidate who paid $24,500 of his own money for a 3rd-rate launch video. This candidate raised only $80k in the last quarter, including $50k he lent himself.
Jul 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I've gotten pinged a lot on this story comparing this to @LookAheadOrg / Voter Integrity Project's analysis.

The problem is this new article by @FDRLST is both incorrect and @fdrlst continues to ignore the LAA/VIP research. It hurts our cause.

1/5 At the time of the 2020 election, you could cast a provisional ballot in the wrong county and still have your vote count in statewide races. You would only be prevented from casting ballots in districted elections.

So the premise of this analysis is wrong.

Jul 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Stoking racial division with fake narratives much, @Noahbierman?

#fakenews @Noahbierman I mean, the only reason she has the job is because she's a woman and a racial minority token...

And the job she had before that was because of who she slept with.

A shitty example for young girls to look up to.
Jun 29, 2021 7 tweets 7 min read
Important thread! Please RT.

Great candidates lose because their campaigns were broke while their opponents got millions from corporate PACs. $ pays for a candidate’s ability to reach mid- and low-info voters who decide elections. That’s the way it works in RealWorld. Wednesday is the deadline for Q2, and a good report will convince big donors to get off the sidelines and lend further support.

I am asking you to please donate to these 4 candidates today. I know them personally and they have my full endorsement.
Jun 3, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
On Memorial Day, I had the privilege of driving Joe Kent (@joekent16jan19) to Arlington National Cemetery to mourn his wife who died fighting ISIS.

This was when his opponent and professional blogger @heidistjohn decided to post this to Instagram.

On Memorial Day.

/thread In this post, she boasts of her success in business, however the record shows otherwise.

Two of her businesses, including the one she currently fraudulently operates, were dissolved by the state for failure to pay taxes.
May 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Today, @LookAheadOrg's attorneys sent a letter to @GaSecofState demanding he retract defamatory statements about our work and that he preserve all related documents in the event we pursue litigation.

See the letter below. And here is our press release on the letter.
Mar 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I want to apologize for the delay in getting our Final Report on Georgia out.

Between responding to legal threats and journalist demands, along side the challenge of putting together a report that is the first of it's kind out, it's taking us a little longer than I'd like. 1/4 We're also dealing with the complications of how to release a report with the names of many whom illegal ballots were cast in their names, including the supplemental research we did to confirm it using tax records, drivers license data, social media, etc. 2/4
Mar 4, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
We received a SECOND letter from Dominion and my attorney @pnjaban has responded.

Sharing all in this thread, starting with our press release response. Image This was Dominion's second letter. ImageImage