Kathryn Huwig's 'Beyond the Data' Profile picture
COVID19 in Ohio - both the state-published data, and the real life stories that data represents. Data is from Ohio's COVID19 website: https://t.co/UCZWXGcsb4

Jun 29, 2021, 7 tweets

14 day cases continue to be down and we've switched back to day over day decreases in the 7 day case numbers, though we haven't returned to our lowest numbers again.

We are now looking at 170 total cases in the entire state per day, which equates to 1.93 cases per county per day over the last 2 weeks

Our confirmed cases over the last 7 days has dropped again to 104 cases per day for the entire state and 1.18 confirmed cases per county per day for the last 7 days.

As is usual for Mondays, the proportion of newly reported cases that are 'probable' has increased over the day before - an interesting pattern, almost as if it's some kind of routine testing going on that affects the way the 'cases' fluctuate throughout the week.....

V numbers are just stubbornly down. Those who wanted them seem to have gotten them. Those who could be bribed to get them have given into the bribes. Now we are in the stage of increasingly more severe punishments for declining them. What comes next? There's only force remaining.

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