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Jun 30, 2021, 10 tweets

The latest WHO World #HealthData find that #COVID19 is responsible for at least 3️⃣ million excess deaths in 2020 πŸ‘‰

Some countries only report #COVID19 deaths occurring in hospitals or of people who have tested positive. Many countries cannot accurately measure or report cause of death due to inadequate or under-resourced health information systems.

πŸ‘‰ #HealthData

The #COVID19 pandemic has produced large amounts of #HealthData & accelerated the trend towards digitalization in health. It has also exposed long-standing data governance issues such as intellectual property rights & data sharing, storage & reuse.


#COVID19 has highlighted the need for universal access to global #HealthData.

The World Health Data Hub provides an interactive digital platform & trusted source for all global health data, fulfilling WHO’s commitment to provide data as a public good.

Inequalities and data gaps impede targeted public health interventions.

Only half of countries include disaggregated #HealthData in their published national health statistical reports.


The #HealthData shows that:

1⃣ life expectancy at birth increased from 66.8 years in 2000 to 73.3 years in 2019

2⃣ healthy life expectancy increased from 58.3 years to 63.7 years.


The #HealthData shows that global tobacco use has decreased by 33% since 2000. πŸ‘‰

Say #NoTobacco! #CommitToQuit!

The #HealthData shows that the prevalence of adult obesity is increasing: in 2016 up to a quarter of the populations in high-income countries were obese.


The #HealthData shows that although the prevalence of #hypertension declined worldwide between 2000 and 2015, it is increasing slightly in low-income countries.


#HealthData is a strategic asset that requires global cooperation with clear direction in an evolving landscape. The world needs a new global consensus on health data governance and data as a public good.


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