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Jun 30, 2021, 15 tweets

🇨🇳China has spent decades fine-tuning its playbook on how best to snuff out dissent and rewrite history.
Now, Beijing has unleashed those tactics on Hong Kong

@sophia_yan and @niccijsmith explore in their new podcast

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📅 A year ago, life in Hong Kong was turned upside down by a sweeping new piece of legislation.

🎙️In our latest podcast, @sophia_yan and @niccijsmith tell the inside story of 12 months of crackdown by Beijing

Listen to Hong Kong Silenced⬇️

🚔Mass arrests
📰Newspaper raids
🪧Banned protests
➡️Activists fleeing into exile

🇨🇳China has spent decades fine-tuning its playbook on how best to snuff out dissent and rewrite history.

Now, Beijing has unleashed those tactics on Hong Kong

🔴It’s all happening under the sweeping new National Security Law – a law imposed by Beijing on Hong Kong that criminalises vaguely defined crimes:

➡️Foreign collusion

Punishable by up to life in prison…

🇭🇰On 1st July 1997, Hong Kong reverted to Chinese Rule

It returned under the principle of “one country, two systems”.

In the past year, the National Security Law has taken Beijing’s authoritarianism to a new level

📸Kimimasa Mayama via AP…

🔴Pro-democracy activists and moderate politicians have found themselves denied bail and been left shuffling between courtrooms and jail

📸Lam Yik/Bloomberg…

📰Hong Kong’s most popular tabloid, Apple Daily, has been shut down

Some of the newspaper’s journalists have been barred from leaving the city, creating a chilling effect on the media industry

📸Bertha WANG / AFP…

Apple Daily's founder, Jimmy Lai has been locked up as a result of the National Security Law.

➡️He is an outspoken critic of Beijing’s authoritarianism…

🔴Pro-democracy politicians and activists such as Ted Hui have fled the city, seeking asylum in countries including the UK, US and Australia

📸James Gourley / Shutterstock…

Teachers, lawyers, business leaders are now fearful that what they say in public and in private could be used against them.

🔇Even regular people – minding their business, raising their children, and holding down their jobs – have been scared into silence

📸Vincent Yu / AP

🚨An annual demonstration to mark Britain handing over Hong Kong to Chinese rule was banned for the first time in 2020.

📸Vincent Yu / AP…

🚓The protests saw police officers in full riot gear, armed with pepper and rubber bullet guns, stationed on the corners of the city’s major streets to immediately disperse any gatherings.

📸REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon…

❌Today, on the anniversary of the National Security Law, a group of MPs are calling on the British Government to impose sanctions on Chinese officials over the crackdown in Hong Kong…

🎙️The Telegraph spent months speaking with Hong Kong people from all walks of life; parents, politicians, journalists, lawyers and teachers.

🇭🇰Their stories chart how a once-glittering global business hub quickly lost its treasured freedoms…

Tune in to #HongKongSilenced to hear @sophia_yan and @niccijsmith tell the inside story of how one law turned life in Hong Kong upside down

@venetiarainey @T_Louloudis

Listen here 👇…

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