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Jul 1, 2021, 11 tweets

🇨🇳Red flags
🧨Red fireworks
🎖️Red medals
🌹Red flowers
❗️"Red" propaganda rap songs

Beijing is awash in red this week as the Chinese Communist Party celebrates its centenary on July 1st…

🇨🇳 China’s carefully choreographed celebration is aimed at glorifying the party’s history and cementing loyalty in the nation of 1.4 billion people.

Will this loyalty last for another century?

@sophia_yan reports 👇🧵…

🔴 For Xi Jinping the celebration is designed to burnish his credentials as China faces challenges on the world stage…

In a landmark centenary speech Xi Jinping said: "We will never allow any foreign power to bully, oppress or subjugate us"

🗣️"Anyone who dares to attempt to do so will find their heads bashed bloody against the Great Wall of Steel forged by over 1.4 billion people"

Indeed, the party’s big birthday comes as global criticism has grown over:

❌ Human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong
🌏 Its handling of the coronavirus pandemic
💱Coercive economic policies designed to squeeze nations in diplomatic spats

➡️ However, Under Mr Xi, China has embarked on a campaign to recast history by deleting past mistakes from the official narrative.

That is a strategy the state continues to commit to

❌ To further stamp out dissent, Beijing imposed a national security law on Hong Kong a year ago.

In a symbolic move, it took effect the day before July 1st

Listen to #HongKongSilenced to learn more ⬇️…

🇨🇳China has been preparing for its centenary for months, with red propaganda banners unfurled and displayed across the country reading:

“Long live the party!”
“Always follow the party!”
“Warmly celebrate the party’s 100th anniversary.”

🇨🇳"Everything Mr Xi has done since taking the reins in 2012 has been to ensure the Party will – someday – outlast him, and that his legacy will be remembered"


"Mr Xi likely cares little about what the rest of the world thinks; to him, what may matter most is keeping the party in place as the ultimate authority, with him, steady at the helm."

Read more from @sophia_yan 👇…

🔴 Senior Conservative MPs have now launched an "alliance" with Parliamentarians across the world to raise "grave concerns" about China.

They want to pressure governments to adopt a tougher stance toward Beijing

Read more ⬇️…

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