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Jul 1, 2021, 21 tweets

Weisselberg Trial Thread 1/

Trump Org Allen Weisselberg surrenders to Manhattan DA on July 1, 2021 on criminal charges relating to Trump tax fraud in state of New York. This thread explains the matters and people that are involved, and how they relate to other Trump crimes

Weisselberg Trial Thread 2/

I have been discussing the Trump financial scandals here on Twitter from early 2016. This is total update Thread (my last update was mid June). It will examine Weisselberg CRIMINAL CASES - there are FIVE - and offers context to Trump crimes (over 20)

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There are over 20 investigations into Trump, criminal or civil. Four MOST relevant

Allen Weisselberg = NY taxes & other crimes
Rudy Giuliani = Ukraine extortion & other crimes
Matt Gaetz (teen rape) = Sale of pardons
Roger Stone = Jan 6 Insurrection

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These 4 cases will put Trump in prison FOR LIFE (each. Yes Trump will die in prison with multiple life sentences still to go). I am NOT MONITORING the small potatoes like Georgia election lies BECAUSE they add only YEARS. I focus on the BIG PICTURE

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Fastest way to get Trump into prison is Weisselberg. Who is he? Trump's accountant of 40 years, worked with Trump's dad scumbag slumlord Fred Trump. Has cooked books for Trump for DECADES. He knows all financial crimes from BEFORE Trump became POTUS

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Weisselberg criminal lawsuits are direct result of Mueller investigation. Mueller investigated Russia & Trump, not Trump tax fraud. So he handed this case where it belongs, to Manhattan DA. In 2019. This case has been built over 2 YEARS against Trump

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Mueller told us that he could not exonerate Trump of crimes. And that he preserved evidence. This is ONE of ways Mueller puts Trump in prison

And the raid of Michael Cohen's office by FBI? That raid was because of one brave woman: Stormy Daniels.

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I said 5 criminal cases

1st trial of Weisselberg is Manhattan DA: NY Taxes
2nd trial is NY AG: Money laundering
3rd is federal in NY (SDNY): Sanctions busting (Putin)
4th is federal: Inaugration finance
5th is DC & federal: POTUS fraud (DC hotel etc)

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This FIRST Weisselberg trial (NY Taxes) is not targeting Weisselberg. The Mafia boss in this crime is Trump. Like any Mafia trial, boss is prosecuted LAST. This is a LADDER going UP THE STEPS to get convictions & flips. Weisselberg is a STEP to Trump

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In this case, Michael Cohen was caught, confessed, flipped & did time. He testifies against Trump

Weisselberg is SECOND, he is NOW caught, will be convicted. He is HIGHLY like to flip & testify against Trump

Next will be Don Jr (or Ivanka or both)

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Weisselberg is JUST A STEP on this path, that goes:

1 - Michael Cohen
2 - Allen Weisselberg
3 - Don Jr or Ivanka (or both)
4 - Donald Trump

Allen is sure to go to prison, he is near certain to flip on Trump. He cannot protect Trump & needs the deal

Weisselberg Trial Thread 12/

Manhattan DA has a 'special' Grand Jury which sits SIX MONTHS. It has indicted Allen Weisselberg in 1 month. The remaining 5 months, they will indict MORE PEOPLE, which likely means the Hitler Jugend kids: Ivanka, Beavis & Butthead Trump, plus Jared.

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This trial of Weisselberg is only 1 of criminal trials of Allen (the others are FAR more serious). It will put Allen in prison for years

There are OTHERS in THIS TRIAL who will be convicted BEFORE WE GET TO TRUMP. Yet this is FASTEST WAY to Trump

Weisselberg Trial Thread 14/

What do they have? Trump taxes, Deutsche Bank papers, his accounting company files. Trump fought these and took to SCOTUS (twice!) and lost on unanimous decisions. That tells us how much Trump fears this trial

Michael Cohen is witness against Allen

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They gave the number 2 bookkeeper guy, the Controller (works for Weisselberg) limited immunity. He testified about CRIMES to Grand Jury, about the tax fraud

And they have Weisselberg's PERSONAL tax returns (with his personal crimes relating to this)

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Manhattan DA is also putting every kind of pressure on Weisselberg including criminal charges against his KIDS (more tax fraud). Weisselberg will flip. But that may take time, even after conviction on this FIRST criminal case

Because the OTHER cases

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This NY tax crime involves many years of prison time to Trump (not life). Weisselberg's exposure is similar. This is PEANUTS compared to Weisselberg 2

His SECOND NY criminal case (New York AG) is MONEY LAUNDERING (with DECADES of time in prison)

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The New York crimes could not be bypassed by some possible secret Trump pardon, because a President cannot pardon for a STATE crime. Weisselberg will go to prison

But his BIG case is Weisselberg 3: Sanctions Busting (a federal case at SDNY). = Putin

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Weisselberg fears Sanctions Busting, that Mueller saw, & is now with SDNY as an active criminal case. This is a federal crime against the United States, with prison time in MULTIPLE LIFE SENTENCES for Trump and Allen. This is the pardon Allen begged

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The Weisselberg pardon decision was Trump's toughest (against). Because Allen has to confess to ALL crimes, and testify in ALL cases against Trump, the decision to flip is tough to make. But Allen will end up flipping. That is what Manhattan is about


I have now added the part 2 to this thought process. After this Manhattan DA criminal conviction of Allen Weisselberg, what are the OTHER of his 5 criminal cases with Trump. So what happens NEXT. Enjoy:

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