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Mastodon Bluesky Endorsements: "Relentless!" - Gordon Johnson 🗸=block

Jul 1, 2021, 11 tweets

27989 cases today ticks the doubling time slightly back up to 10,2 days; however, this only delays hitting the previous peak by a few hours. England hospitalization growth accelerates, as would be expected.

Across Europe, more countries keep swinging back into growth.

Vaccination is trending up in many of them, but not all; the UK in particular is seeing a significant and sustained dropoff in vaccination rates. Israel is finally starting to see some meaningful (although still low) vaccination rates again.

Spain looks to be the next major country back into growth, spiking strongly over the past few days.

France may well be the next big one to join them, with the 7-day trailing average going from 1816 three days ago to 1834 two days ago to 1854 yesterday.

On the other side of the pond, while some states are in rather fast growth, the US as a whole is still only wavering and drifting upwards, from a trailing-average low of 12077 on the 22nd to 13061 today. This will accelerate.

A fascinating insight into disease transmission can be seen on this page from a tracking team in Singapore:

Of particular interest is if you turn on vaccination colour coding. Green = fully vaxxed, yellow = partially vaxxed.

It's a bit concerning to see so many fully vaxxed people (Singapore uses Pfizer + Moderna) both be infected an infect others. If you turn switch colour coding to "Asymptomatic", you can see that a lot (but not all) of the asymptomatic transmissions were this group.

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I'm not sure why the need to paint himself into a corner, but okay.

A large number of MEPs have also drafted a letter to the UK and Uefa begging them to reconsider allowing Wembley stadium to operate at 75% of its capacity for the Euro 2020 Semis, with 60k international visitors crowded in a stadium in the middle of a growing epidemic.

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