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Jul 2, 2021, 18 tweets

The Globalist Mafia: Mark Carney

1) Who is Mark Carney and what can we expect if (or when) he joins the Liberal Party of Canada? Let's take a look at some of the organizations that he's involved with to get a better idea of who Mark Carney actually is.

Well!!! There are 16 more tweets in this thread that won't send. It seems that someone doesn't want me talking about Mark Carney.

2) The controlled mainstream media have been working hard lately to prepare Canadians for the inevitability of Carney joining the Liberal Party amid the looming possibility of a fall federal election.

3) Mark has been working with the Liberals as an unofficial paid advisor to implement the World Economic Forum's Great Reset in Canada in the name of Covid-19 and climate recovery.

4) Mark is a Foundation Board member at the World Economic Forum, along with Chrystia Freeland and BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink.

5) In December of 2019, António Guterres named Carney as the UN's Special Envoy for Climate Change Finance. Carney is a promotor of the green agenda, net-zero carbon emissions, carbon taxes, and the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda.

6) Mark is a member of the Group of 30 along with other international central bankers and economists from the BIS, Harvard, the CFR, JPMorgan, the UN's Sustainable Development Goal financing taskforce, the IMF, the World Bank, BlackRock, the Federal Reserve, etc.

7) Mark was the Governor of the Bank of Canada as well as the Governor of the Bank of England.

8) While Governor of the Bank of Canada, he was appointed to be the Chairman of the Committee on the Global Financial System, the Global Enomony Meeting, as well as the Economic Consultative Committee at the Bank for International Settlements, which is a "bank for central banks."

9) Carney has attended several Bilderberg meetings over the years.

10) While not a member of the Trilateral Commission, Carney is a member of their Trilateral Task Force on Global Capitalism in Transition.

11) Although also not an actual member of the roundtable group called the Council on Foreign Relations, Carney has contributed many times to their discussions.

12) Canada's equivalent to the Council on Foreign Relations is the Canadian International Council. In 2012, Carney introduced IMF Director, Christine Lagarde, as she was presented with their "Globalist of the Year Award".

13) Carney is a Vice Chair for Brookfield Asset Management, which owns Brookfield Renewables. The CO2 taxes we pay, as per the UN Paris Accord, go to companies like Brookfield. They bragged about it in their 2020 Annual Report along with a 600% CO2 tax increase by 2030 in Canada.

14) Along with Ben Bernanke, Gordon Brown, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Jean-Claude Trichet of the Group of 30, Mark is also an advisor to fund management firm, Pimco, which has over $2.21 trillion in assets under their management.

15) The Club of Rome sighted a speech in their "Climate Emergency Plan" that Mark Carney gave to Lloyd's of London in 2015 where he talked about a "minimum and maximum price for carbon".

16) And Carney is also on the steering committee for the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican, along with State Street CEO Ronald O'Hanley and Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

17) Get ready for the rise of Mark Carney within the Liberal Party. He'll take Globalism and cronie capitalism to a whole new level. Canada is the proving grounds for global government, central enonomics and financial institutions, and Carney is a Kingpin in the Globalist Mafia.

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