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Jul 2, 2021, 26 tweets

I asked people to share their secrets with me.

A thread...

Every Tuesday, on Instagram, I ask people to ask me anything on a certain topic.
This week, I asked them to share a secret instead.

I wasn't ready for what hit me!

You may have connected with some of these secrets. They may be yours.
But no one knows!

Or they may be secrets of your most loved ones.
But you wouldn't know.

Be kind to people.
Everyone is carrying a load.
As are we!

Let this thread be a reminder to seek help, to live life for our own self, to fall in love with ourselves.

That we don't need to pretend.
We shouldn't have to pretend.

Hugs to all of you.
Thank you for sharing your secrets with me.
I do not take this trust lightly.

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