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Entrepreneur | Teacher | Content Creator I Author | Speaker | Check my latest book out MAKE EPIC MONEY 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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Apr 29 25 tweets 8 min read
Fat-free at 43!
How I shed only 10kgs in a year to get to this shredded look.

The 3T Model
1. Track
2. Train
3. Transform

(long post alert - you might want to bookmark this for future reference) 1/ Track

Track your calorie-in (how much you eat) and calorie-out (how much you burn).

An average adult burns/spends around 2000-2500 calories a day.
One can use a smart-watch/ring to figure this out.

However, our food intake is rarely tracked.
Which makes all the difference.Image
Mar 10 26 tweets 5 min read
20 years back, at the age of 24, I got my first ever job.
It paid me Rs. 14,746 per month in hand.

In 2 years, at 26, I was earning 12L per annum.
Another 3 years, it reached 33L per annum.

Here is how it happened... In Mar '04, at the age of 24, I dropped out of my PhD program at Michigan State University and came back to India.

What made the decision easy was the 100% scholarship I was on.
There was no tangible loss of money.
Just the intangible burden of letting down everyone in my world.
Mar 5 12 tweets 2 min read
Do you know which animal kills most humans every year?

If you are thinking wild animals — lions, elephants, tigers — no.
If you are thinking snakes — good guess, but not the right one.
If you are thinking mosquitos — great guess. That's #2.

Do you know what's #1? Humans :)

WE kill more humans than any other animal every year.
War, violence, fights, terrorism.

We somehow believe that the world is split into us and them.
And we feel that for someone to win, someone else has to lose.
Jan 25 10 tweets 2 min read
8 things that parents kill within their kids

A thread... 1/ Kids are born with no other fear except that of falling.

Every other fear, they learn while living.
As parents we are largely guilty of instilling those fears in them.

Parents kill their fearlessness.
Dec 22, 2023 28 tweets 9 min read
The best books I read in 2023

(giveaway) thread... 1/ How to do the work by @Theholisticpsyc

Been following Nicole for a while now and loved her book as well. Even in parts where I found myself disagreeing, I found myself challenged a lot.
Dec 15, 2023 41 tweets 9 min read
Sold, 25,000+ copies of my third book in just 2 days, raking in sales of $125,000+ (Rs. 1Cr+) from 32 countries.

Best part?
We gave away a mind-blowing Rs. 73Cr ($8.8M) worth of value.

Here is how we did it... In Aug 2023, @AlexHormozi launched his latest book $100M Leads, in a grand online event.

I remember watching his magical performance, feeling inspired and awestruck in the same go.

And then my usual awesome question popped:
"What is this telling me?"
Nov 4, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
How to invest with a salary of Rs. 10,000?

4 ways:
1. Safe option
2. Medium Risk option
3. High risk option
4. The best option

A thread... Image 1. Safe Option: Fixed Deposits

- Fixed rate of return
- Safe
- Low effort

- Low rate of return
The last 10-yr average FD rate has been 6.05%
This means, post-tax this does not even beat inflation.

In other words, your money in FD will barely increase in value.
Oct 24, 2023 57 tweets 15 min read
Boom! We @waricrew just hit a whopping 10M followers on social media!

In just 3.5 years, we raked in revenue of 70Cr ($9M), profits worth 15Cr ($1.9M), all while reaching an audience of 93M+ people.

Curious how it all came together? I share all that we do and learnt... Image In this (rather long) thread, I'll cover 5 aspects:

1. The outcome we've achieved
2. Our journey so far
3. How our biz is structured
4. The nitty-gritty of how we work
5. The lessons we've learned along the way
Sep 23, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
10 things that emotionally intelligent people DO NOT DO.

A thread… 1. They do not assume that the way they think or react to a situation is the reality.

They recognize their reactions are merely a reflection of their own biases and understanding.
Sep 8, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
9 Time Management frameworks I apply in my own life.

A thread... 1/
Measuring my time

At the age of 14, I started preparing for engineering exams, only to realize I just could not manage my time.

Worse, I had NO CLUE why.
If someone asked me - what are you busy with the entire day, I would not have an answer.

So I decided to track my time.
Sep 1, 2023 26 tweets 3 min read
I turned 43 last week.
Here are somethings I would tell my 23yr old self.

A thread... Not all success is due to hard work.
Not all failure is due to laziness.

A lot of what will happen to you will be luck.
Just because it cannot be measured, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Aug 23, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Every single time ISRO outdoes itself, places its stamp on the world, is applauded for its audacity and its frugality, all I can see is this... Image As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a space scientist.
An astrophysicist to be precise.

My dream was clear.
- Finish a PhD from the US.
- Work at NASA.
Aug 18, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
You just had a fight with your manager.

Your manager was rude, was shouting, and called you incapable and useless.
You are angry. Very, very angry.

And in that moment, you decide you want to quit this horrible job. Because every day is a struggle.

A thread... Every day, you are subjected to this ridicule. It isn't worth it. Nothing is worth it.
You quit.

Your family and friends are shocked. "You shouldn't have done this", they say.

Do they NOT see what you went through?
Do they NOT understand?
Are they blind?
Aug 11, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
The one thing that helps us win BIG in life, which few people seem to be talking about.

A thread... Consider this likely scenario.

As a kid and then a teenager, you were fed food cooked by someone else.
Usually your parent. Most likely your mother.

And 99% of the days, the food was great.
It was well made, the spices/salt were in order, served hot.

You loved it.
Aug 4, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
A 5-step process to remember everything you read in a book.

A thread… There was a time I used to read books because I wanted to look cool in front of others.

Books whose names I could drop in a conversation, knowing it would draw awe and admiration.

But in my heart, I knew I was lying.
Jul 29, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read

You, assume yourself to be a male, are shouting at your wife/girlfriend in the middle of the market.
Almost getting physically abusive.

An observer, draws the courage to come up to you and says, "you do know you should be respectful towards women?" In that moment, it strikes you that this person is right.
You are being a jerk.
When you know you shouldn't.

It isn't the right thing to do.
Jul 21, 2023 29 tweets 7 min read
The ONLY 20 books you will EVER NEED to read, on productivity and motivation.

A thread... 1. "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg
Jul 14, 2023 29 tweets 5 min read
Mistakes I made in my 30s were dramatically different from those I made in my 20s.

Together, they are helping me live a better, wiser 40s decade.
Is this what is called experience?

A thread on my 30s mistakes... I prioritized pedigree and impressive resumes when hiring, overlooking their interpersonal skills.
Assumed their degrees would guarantee success.

As I progressed in my career, I've learned it's not just what you know, it's how you connect with people that truly defines success.
Jul 7, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
10 mistakes I made in my 20s, that you can learn from.

A thread... Mistake #1
I continued to pursue my line of education that's what I had planned for myself. That is what I had promised the world.
Without ever asking: Does it made me happy?

I continued to lie to myself, even when I knew I was lying.
Jul 4, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
7 life hacks that have saved me time and again 1/ Do not try to remember anything!
Write everything down.
Put things on a calendar.
Create a to-do list.
Use a notes app.
Or a notebook.

we over-estimate our ability to remember things.
Jun 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
If you send a lot of emails, these hacks will change your life.
The last one is my personal favorite :)) 1/ Start your emails by addressing them by their name

Don't just say hey or hi
Go beyond.
Acknowledge the one thing that truly belongs to them.
Their name.

Even in replies.