ScottishPanda 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Lincoln “I should regret to see the day in which the people should cease to express intelligent, honest generous criticism upon the policy of their rulers.”

Jul 2, 2021, 11 tweets

[thread] Now @joymorrissey blocked me a while back

Just for pointing out the words and record of her party

And I want to thank her for that

Because it means I don't get to see her doing things like this

No I am not talking about the portrait of the Queen

It is an MP sharing a photograph with a backdrop of her work computer in the background showing the screen active

That's a bit of an information security risk if she had anything sensitive on screen at the time

Oh and on the Queen's portrait

I would ask

In what way does she think lying to the Queen to unlawfully prorogue Parliament represents British values?

In what way is Matt Hancock paying his mistress on the public purse unacceptable?

In what way is the British Prime Minister standing up for the union in a way that represents the "Conservative & Unionist Party" ?

Does Joy agree with the words written by Boris Johnson below:

Does she think it right that in July 2020 when a British Prime Minister could not say he had read the autumn/winter coronavirus plan that might have been a hint he was totally fucking hopeless?

There are lots of questions you could ask Joy

And lots of choices of things you could frame


Here's a thread on coronavirus

With a simple plea


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