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Jul 2, 2021, 6 tweets

🔴 No 10 has condemned the toppling of Queen Elizabeth II and Victoria statues in Canada.

The demonstrations arose following the discovery of unmarked graves belonging to over 1,000 Indigenous children

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🔴Protesters gathered outside the Manitoba legislative building in Winnipeg on Thursday, Canada's national holiday, toppling a statue of Queen Victoria and covering it in red paint.

A smaller statue of Queen Elizabeth was also toppled nearby…

Many of the protesters wore orange shirts to honour the Indigenous children and covered the statues in red handprints.

A sign was left at the statue, reading: "We were children once. Bring them home"…

Canada Day is an annual holiday on July 1 that marks the country's confederation.

But several cities across the country cancelled their celebrations on Thursday and rallies were held in support of the Indigenous community…

182 unmarked graves were found near a former boarding school in British Columbia, where Indigenous children were forcibly assimilated.

751 similar graves found near a school in Marieval

215 found at the end of May at another school in Kamloops…

Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, said: "The horrific findings... have rightfully pressed us to reflect on our country's historical failures, and the injustices that still exist for Indigenous peoples and many others in Canada"…

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