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Sean Beckner-Carmitchel. Los Angeles Videographer. Writer.

Jul 2, 2021, 7 tweets

Park Rangers now at Brooks Avenue, one block past Park. Some words between activists and city workers. Just overheard @PplsCityCouncil tell a city employee “if there’s cops, people are gonna freak out.”

Parks & Recreation setting up a tent for intake.

One woman, Chanele, being offered housing. She stated to me that she had been waiting since January and accepted. I’ll follow up.

A woman who is here to document states she was hit by an LASAN truck while it was backing up. Another woman corroborates the story- I heard her scream while the truck was backing earlier.

While LASAN operates and an unhoused person begins the intake process, a photographer grabs one of the tents and throws it in the bin. He’s confronted by another photographer.

One man is confronting the park rangers. Area around one persons lodgings now taped off, the person who owns the belongings are talking with city officials.

German In Venice, a YouTuber who makes videos which are often critical of the unhoused in areas like Skid Row, Echo Park and Venice, is taking a photo op with LASAN workers.

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