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Jul 2, 2021, 12 tweets

🔴A 'fraudwave' of sophisticated new cons have even cyber crime experts falling for them and losing thousands of pounds.

What do they look like?

How do you not get taken in?


❗️‘We are in the middle of a massive fraud wave, and text scams are leading the charge’❗️

🚫You don’t have to be naive/particularly gullible/a little old lady to fall prey, either.

Interestingly more younger people are tending to get suckered in…

🔎New text scams to watch out for

Scam texts are highly sophisticated - some of the latest, cynically, pose as the NHS vaccine rollout programme.

Cyber crime is a massive business.

The cumulative cost of damaged assets in the UK over the past five years is more than £87B

🛍️Is online shopping to blame?

The huge rise of online shopping this past year also makes us sitting ducks – half the time, we really are expecting a parcel.

So receiving a text related to postage does not raise alarm bells

👮The scale of fraud is hard to police

Law enforcement agencies are desperately trying to crack down on the organised criminal element.

But they are struggling to cope with the deluge.

‘We aren’t going to arrest our way out of a volume crime act such as this'

⁉️Have you received a scam text?


Number 1: Fake Covid information…

Number 2: Pay for a vaccination…

Number 3: Track a missed parcel…

Number 4: Fake Test and Trace…

Number 5: A fraudulent friend…

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