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UK Director @ecipe Brexit global trade political economy, Perspectives column @BorderlexEditor, Expert adviser @UKTradeBusiness. Music maniac, some sport. DMs.

Jul 2, 2021, 8 tweets

Oh look, UK government ministers once again inciting divisions in Northern Ireland in preference to admitting what they signed. In July, the most sensitive month for Northern Ireland politics. irishtimes.com/opinion/we-mus…

Which of the 300-plus EU regulations that the UK government committed by treaty to apply in Northern Ireland do ministers now wish in fact not to apply? And when precisely were these assumptions and expectations laid out?

Those operating in good faith do not constantly undermine and deny the agreement they signed. Or indeed regularly write articles saying someone else is to blame. Indeed this article will be viewed by those on the other side as emotional blackmail.

It all happens because the UK signed a treaty to make it happen. Without cross community consent, indeed specifically at the time of signing with the same opposition we have now.

Fine, you can protect both east west and north south borders by closer alignment. But you wanted to put hard Brexit first. So now you have to choose, not blame others. But of course blaming others is easier.

Sounds oh so simple. But not if you signed a treaty which specifically went against this.

The closing statement might have more credibility if it hadn't been clear for 21 months that a British hard Brexit was the priority and Northern Ireland at least third behind that and a US trade deal. And that the UK won't in fact walk away.

In short, another article claiming to be about seeking solutions but actually about boosting support among Brexit supporters at whatever the cost to Northern Ireland. Basically, appalling, but no longer surprising.

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