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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Jul 2, 2021, 23 tweets


Let’s see

A “Judge Sweet” died, & Rossmiller seems to be trying to convince the judge that he doesn’t think the underlying exhibit will ever be unsealed

Interesting start

We seem to be coming in mid-argument

2/ Judge says “and now I’m the judge. I wish I weren’t”

3/ Judge is being more than persnickety

He’s being downright snarky

The 2nd Circuit is about to overturn protective order in place by the deceased Judge Sweet

4/ the judge has no idea what basis the dead Judge Sweet has for thinking the documents should be sealed

5/ Rossmiller is kissing the judge’s ass & the judge says “some poor schlub” will get stuck with it and he hopes it’s not him lol

6/ They thought this convo wouldn’t be disclosed to the Parties & Maxwell would protest if she knew

Getting into legalese here but this is clearly a contentious issue the judge is NOT happy about being in charge of

7/ So Rossmiller represent the government

The judge says the dead Judge Sweet wasn’t happy with the “procedural posture” but also says Sweet was possibly responsible for the problems 🤔

8/ So the plaintiffs & Boies Schiller (representing the victims) DIDN’T request that the restrictive protective order get lifted

The govt lawyer Rossmiller is requesting it separately from the plaintiffs & the judge thinks this is stupid. His snark is hitting a 9.5

9/ “Human Trafficking” has entered the convo

The lawyer apparently snippy too

He says “this is moving... as fast as possible” in the case & they’d hoped for a response from the dead Judge Sweet

10/ the judge says there 150 documents under seal that even HE hasn’t seen or can’t see without dissolving the seal 🤔🤔🤔

“Not to mention all the underlying materials”

11/ Holy crap the layer cited something & the judge responded with

“I have absolutely no idea what that means, & you don’t either...” 😂

WTF is going on

12/ Although now I’m laughing less because they’re talking about Virginia Roberts, which at first I didn’t recognize as the original name of

Virginia Giuffre

13/ More legalese over my head but they’re discussing a scenario where details counldnt be given to law enforcement because of the seal

Then the judge returns to Snarktown 😂

14/ Judge is going full Bitchy now

Claims he doesn’t know much about the Maxwell case

15/ Aha, The Govt lawyer says that everything in the subpoena was so broad (& is now under seal) that they can’t narrow things down... I think I understand what he’s asking

16/ Good Q by the judge... are they hunting anyone other than Maxwell with the sealed info?

Govvie lawyer Rossmiller says no, but it criminal findings could always come up

17/ Talking about the subpoena probably containing pages of people taking the 5th over & over again (which we’ve seen)

18/ Interesting - some informal arrangement with dead Judge Sweet

& new Judge seems to be agreeing to a workaround/compromise?

19/ Aha, another interesting statement - the new judge & circuit court have problems with everything being done under seal & not even docket numbers being applied

20/ Exhibit D ends amicably; talking about a meeting & Judge Sweet’s funeral - then Exhibit E starts

21/ Exhibit E

The judge knows “a lot more” time around

Well, that’s comforting 😂

22/ And yet it’s only 2 pages long

I’m not sure what’s being said here in terms of the victims’ lack of request to unseal things

23/ So “Judge Sweet” was 94 when he took over the case

His decision to keep the stuff under seal *was* overturned by the 2nd Circuit Court

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