Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Jul 3, 2021, 12 tweets

The Cube of Space & Time:

Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew: Book of Creation) is claimed to be the earliest book on Jewish Esotericism. It is devoted to speculations concerning God's Creation of the World & it's authorship to the PatriARCH Abraham shows the high esteem which it recieves.

'In Thirty-Two Mysterious Paths of WisdOM did JAH, the Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, the Living Elohim, the King of Ages, the Merciful & Gracious God, the Exalted One, the Dweller in Eternity, most high & holy—engrave His Name by the 3 Sepharim: Numbers, Letters & Sounds.'

'TEN are the ineffable Sephiroth. Twenty-Two are the Letters, the Foundation of ALL things; there are Three Mothers (Aleph/ Mem/ Shin/Divine Elements: Air/Spirit, Fire, Water), Seven Doubles/ Duals (7 Planets/ Days of the Week/ Colors) & Twelve (Zodiac Signs) Simple Letters.' 👁️

'TEN is the number of the ineffable Sephiroth, TEN and Not Nine, TEN and not EL+EVE+N. Understand this WisdOM, and be WISE by the perception. Search out concerning it, restore the Word to its creator, and replace Him who formed it upon His thrONE.'🌲🐕🃏🔱⚔️✡️👁️

The 1st emanation was Ruach (Spirit/ Air) that produced 💦, which, formed the GENEsis of 🔥. These 3 Substances had only a potential Existence, formed by 3 Letters: Aleph, Mem, Shin, the Principal Parts of Speech, these 3 Substances are the Divine Elements that formed the Cosmos.

The Cosmos consists of 3 parts, the World, the Year (Time) & Man, which are cOMbined in such a way that the 3 Primordial Elements are contAINed in each of the 3 Parts. The 🌊 formed the Earth; Heaven was produced from the 🔥 & the Ruach produced the Air between Heaven & Earth.🔱

The Secret 22 Hebrew Letters was God's Covenant with Abraham & described as being Two-Fold:
1. Between the 10 Toes of the Feet, the "Covenant of the Circumcision" (Hebrew: Word)

2. Between the 10 fingers of the Hands (10 Sephirot), the "Covenant of the Tongue" (Hebrew: Language)

Besides the 3 Mother Letters (Silent Aleph, Mem, Hissing Shin), a distinction is drawn between the 7 "DUAL" Letters which have 2 Different Sounds according to inflection (2 Opposite Meanings) & the 12 "Simple" Letters, the remaining Letters, which represent only ONE Sound each.✡️

The 7 Dual Letters are Pairs of Contrasts (Duality) enumerated in the life of Man:

Life & Death
Peace & War
Wisdom & Folly
Wealth & Poverty
Beauty & Ugliness
Fertility & Sterility
Lordship & Servitude

7 Apertures: 2 Eyes, 2 Ears, 2 Nostrils & 1 Mouth

7 Days of Creation🃏🐍

The Movement of the 7 Planets & the 7 Apertures in Man connect him with the Outer world as the 7 PLANets join Heaven & Earth. Hence these Organs are subject to the influence of the Plaπets, the Right 👁️ being under Saturn (👁️ of RA), the left 👁️ under Jupiter (👁️ of Horus) e©t.

The 12 "Simple" Letters created the 12 Zodiac Signs, whose relation to the Earth is always simple or stable; and to them belong the 12 months. The latter organs which perform functions in the body independent of the outside world, and they are subject to the 12 Zodiac Signs.🃏🌲

To harmonize the biblical statement of the creation "ex nihilo" with the doctrine of the primordial elements, the Sefer Yetzirah assumes a double creation, one ideal and the other real.

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