BDS movement Profile picture
Official account of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC). We're the Palestinian leadership of the global Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Jul 3, 2021, 6 tweets

Kenne Mwikya talks about Israel's ties with "conservative and anti-freedom elements" of Kenya.

People's solidarity lies with the Palestinian people, as both Africans and Palestinians have been under some form colonial oppression through history.

.@Nawajaa : Divestment and boycott campaigns are working. We hope sanctions against Israel will start from Africa, which can then have a rolling effect.

We know the BDS movement is working because Israel is trying to delegitimize and sabotage it but is failing at it.

.@Shokispeare "The GSR called for a resolution to recognize Israel's regime as apartheid and target sanctions including a military embargo is our obligation to guarantee that our governments meet these demands across the African continent"

"We are building the network across the Global South to build coordinated, synchronized & effective action

We want to have all 54 African countries represented at a rally like this next year!" .@Shokispeare

Rev. Kolade "The Palestine situation has called our Christianity into question.

From Kairos Nigeria we are questioning pilgrimage that does not respect human rights, the pilgrimage that is one sided and supports Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people."

Maureen Kasuku, Kenya "We are bringing feminists across the continent on board with the BDS campaigning.

I hope that the Global South campaign and all African countries can form a formidable BDS movement"

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