Mario Klingemann 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Artist, Neurographer, AI Prompteur, Coder, Purveyor of Systems, Data Dumpster Diver, Information Recycler

Jul 4, 2021, 7 tweets

Probably a bit of an overkill just to scan slides. #robotporn

I got the loop for the pickup working, but the dropoff is still a mess with the occasional sticky fingers. Maybe I should just throw them in a bin.

I think I figured it out now.

The camera of the Jetson nano is probably sufficient for the scan quality I need and the whole process will be so much faster, so here's a new setup.

It cleans up after itself. Now I need to tackle the camera exposure.

I wasn't too happy with the quality of the pi camera so now i try V3 with my DSLR.

The probably final version, with the most boring choreography. But it does a box of 50 slides in 10 minutes. I guess I could shave off a few minutes, but this way the sound it makes is still soothing and not something where I feel i have to look over my shoulder all the time.

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