Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Jul 4, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ Alright Patriots, here’s a question maybe someone can answer quite easily...

What kind of plane has that shape window?

& include the wing design/colors

Is this a clue/wink?

Today @DanScavino tweeted at 3:50 (35) which points to “protected on AF1”

2/ In this case the Trump plane also has the wrong window shape

& the smaller plane - probably too small - has the wrong window shape

3/ The Trump Private Jet appears to be the right size

But again, wrong windows

What plane is he in that has round windows???

4/ Same Thing

Wrong colors & wrong windows

5/ This is inside POTUS’s Private Jet

Not even close

6/ I agree certain elements match

But if you flip those ovals, the wing wouldn’t be in the right place

Thank you for digging... we’ll find it. I just think we have a mystery here...

7/ This is definitely on the right track... now we have to find POTUS’s gulfstream...

Thank you!

8/ Oh snap @Justint88117236

Check out the gulfstream version of AF1... everything fits!

I guess it could be a regular gulfstream with a matching color but most of them are white or Trump’s are a darker blue

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