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Jul 4, 2021, 6 tweets

#BREAKING Rest of collapsed Florida apartment block to be demolished overnight, mayor says

#UPDATES The remaining section of the collapsed apartment block in Surfside, Florida will be demolished overnight between 10:00pm (0200 GMT) and 3:00 am, the local mayor says, with the confirmed death toll at 24, and 121 missing

#BREAKING Rest of collapsed Florida apartment block demolished: @AFP

#UPDATES Controlled explosion brings down unstable remains of 12-story Champlain Towers South in Surfside, outside Miami, ahead of a threatening tropical storm as rescuers prepare to resume searching for victims
Confirmed death toll is 24, with 121 missing

Authorities had said the unstable remaining structure of the 12-story Champlain Towers South in Surfside, outside Miami, posed a threat to search and rescue teams still at the scene, though hopes of finding anyone alive have diminished

VIDEO: A controlled explosion brings down the unstable remains of the collapsed apartment block in Florida ahead of a threatening tropical storm, with the confirmed death toll at 24 and 121 people missing

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