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Jul 5, 2021, 6 tweets

"Jesuit priest, Human Rights Activist Swamy" was an instrumental think tank of banned CPI (M), a Naxalite org. The armed Maoists remotely led by ppl like Swamy & Navlakha. Bhima Koregaon riots charges are Criminal conspiracy, waging war against India, & several UAPA secs.

10K chargesheet by NIA revealed much more about how Swamy/others mobilize funding, leadership & intellectual support to Maoists in the urban pockets. "Bring Dalit & Muslim forces together all over with militant section of ppl being organised", says his letter seized by NIA.

Besides one transaction evidence of Rs 8Lac from one comrade, NIA recovered several documents related to Naxal literature, propaganda material, urban guerilla war techniques, underground essential, data encryption guide, the constitution of Maoist & other strategy and tactics.

Some excerpts of such letters are enough to assess, if you possess an iota of sanity, the intentions of such mastermind Naxal hailed as 'activist'. Which era we are living in? If far this will be tolerated in the name of activism?

If not satisfied with govt, thr r ways to practice democracy. But if u r discussing guerilla techniques to deal with govt, u are constructing a road towards the prison. Do NOT expect concession from security agencies that spent enormous resources to stop in-house enemies.

++ The snapshots of tweets pasted here have no relation with the text of that tweet. Though they might be connected by "ideology".


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