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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Jul 6, 2021, 6 tweets

.@UNC achieves the ultimate humiliation

@UNC .@nhannahjones, after successfully intimidating UNC into offering her tenure position, declines position:

“To have that vote occur on the last possible day after threat of legal action, after weeks of protest … it’s just not something that I want anymore."

@UNC @nhannahjones Jones claims she never went public with her spat against UNC’s board of trustees: "I didn’t want this to become a public scandal. I didn’t want to drag my university through the pages of newspapers … This did not become public because of anything that I did."

@UNC @nhannahjones Hannah-Jones on initially being denied tenure: “There was a great deal of political interference by conservatives .. It’s pretty clear my tenure was not taken up b/c of political opposition, because of discriminatory views against my viewpoints, & I believe my race & my gender"

@UNC @nhannahjones .@PressSec on Hannah-Jones courting/rejecting UNC: "I will say that the students at Howard are quite lucky to have her as a professor … But there’s no question there continues to be systemic racism in our country."

@UNC @nhannahjones @PressSec Hannah-Jones: UNC “trying to really silence me [is] part of a wave of these anti-1619 Project, anti-CRT, anti-history bills that are being passed & they’re being passed in the same legislatures that are also passing voter suppression laws. These two things are going hand in hand"

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