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Jul 6, 2021, 23 tweets

So @Geoguessr has its new "Competitive City Streaks" game...

And anyone following me a while on Twitter knows I am huge fan of Geoguessr

So how does this one shape up?

tl;dr - it's nowhere near as good as Battle Royale

An example round shown in the 🧵

It's Bolivia

La Paz is the only city offered in Bolivia

Simple. Next.

It's Canada

There's water

It offers me Vancouver and Toronto

So Vancouver

Simple. Next.

Considerable poverty

They speak English

Only suitable location is Accra, Ghana

Simple. Next.

Looks like a Spanish building

Only viable option is Barcelona

Simple. Next.

Road is a gata

That means either Sweden or Iceland

Gothenburg and Reykjavík

Guess Gothenburg (wrong) so guess Reykjavík (right)

Lose a life

.au domain on a sign

Melbourne is the only option

Simple. Next.

Road sign says Praha

It's Prague

Simple. Next.

North America somewhere

But you'd not do 40mph on that street, but might do 40km/h, so it's Canada

Toronto the only option

Simple. Next.

Estonian flag

Tallinn the only option

Simple. Next.

Street called Gade


Copenhagen the only option

Simple. Next.

Looks like Japanese

They drive on the left

Tokyo the only option.

Simple. Next.

A kind of shanty town

Haven't got much else to go on, except the colour of the earth

Go for Nairobi and it's right

It's quite poor, they speak French

Dakar, Senegal is the only option that matches

Simple. Next.

Africa somewhere

They drive on the left

Looks too poor for Cape Town, so Johannesburg



Options are Milan and Rome

Looks like a Rome road name


Text in Portuguese

Options are Lisbon, Porto or Sao Paolo

Something says to me this isn't Portugal, so Sao Paolo


You get the idea by now...

Know what to look for and you motor through the rounds, but they're not very interesting

Then 💥

It all goes wrong

I have nothing to work with here

It's South America, Spanish speaking, but *where*?

Go for Cordoba

No, it's Buenos Aires

And that's then it...

I spend *ages* ploughing on through round after round that are simple... and then - were this Battle Royale Distance - I could hedge my bets when the going gets tough... but here I have nothing to work with so am out

So sorry Geoguessr, I find the game too long, and the whole thing too linear, and in each case I am looking for just the one clue - and if I don't find it I am stuck

There's little of the clever educated guessing that makes Geoguessr so cool

Battle Royale Distance is *so much better*

You can find me on Geoguessr here…

And my Eiffel Towers map here…


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