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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Jul 6, 2021, 12 tweets

This "Alien Nation" (alienation geddit?) resource from Proud Trust for primary school children is shocking

HT @JamesEsses

Planet girl and planet boy... what rules should there be about "gender" they ask

On planet girl... like pink, dresses, be feminine

On planet boy... like blue, wear trousers, be masculine

What if you don't like the rules?

We must do something!

Why don't we build a bridge between the two planets??

The children who don't cross the bridge are "cis"

The ones who cross are "trans"

And those who live on the third planet are non-binary and also trans

So much wrong with this resource which is for primary aged children (before they understand sexual reproduction)

1) Sexism - girls are pink, girly, boys are blue, masc
2)If you don't want to fit these stereotypes then you are trans or NB - alienating children from their bodies

3) If you are not trans or NB you are "cis", the stereotypes suit you, you chose them.
4) No recognition why there *are* some important rules about the sexes
5) Rather than thinking about bad rules and good rules, breaking the rules (aka: safeguards) is celebrated.

6) Who wants to be a boring old cis alien saying 'no' to refugees from "planet boy" into girls spaces and making them unhappy ??


This was published in 2017.

I hope no schools are still using it after DFE guidance.

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