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Jul 7, 2021, 24 tweets

The 9 Secrets TO CURE Lower Back Pain.

(From Tim Tebow's Physical Therapist, Ray Lynch)


My doctor thought I would never walk again.

I tore a spinal erector muscle while deadlifting.

Stuck in bed for 2 days.

Out of the gym for 3 weeks.

0 feeling in my right foot for 6 months.

+ the sciatic nerve pain of piriformis syndrome.

I learned THE HARD WAY.

And 80% of adults have back pain.


- 37% of 20 year olds
- 52% of 30 year olds
- 68% of 40+ year olds

Have MRI imagining with damage to back structure & NO lower back pain.

And I'm one of them.

My horrible injury taught me valuable lessons.

Ray Lynch and Pain-Free Performace Specialist Dr. Leni Jo taught me how to apply these lessons.

Here's the 9 secrets to curing back pain👇

1️⃣ Don't strengthen your "lower back"

Look at those structures.
They're small and weak.

Even at their strongest, they cant withstand much on their own.

Instead, strengthen all the muscle big groups that support the lower back.

And learn how to use them in everyday life

2️⃣ Don't Blame Your Back, Blame Your Weakness.

The last time you hurt your back was NOT on a 500lb deadlift.

It was getting out of bed.

Or sitting on the toilet.

Or tying your shoe.

Medical "Non-Specific Lower Back Pain" is the most common disability in the world.

So if back pain limits your normal daily life...


But not one you have to live with.


Back pain happens when the back muscles are overworked or used the wrong way.

So learn to use your muscles.
And get them all stronger.


Stronger muscles = normal life won't hurt you.

3️⃣ Out Function Bad Structure

Correct your movement 24/7.

- How you shit
- How you walk
- How you sleep
- How you breathe
- How you tie your shoes
- How you get out of bed

Good posture = low stress on your delicate back structures.

4️⃣Tuck your hips under your ribs.

This creates a rigid column.
Force is distributed appropriately.

And your lower back won't get overworked.

5️⃣ Correct your breathing and bracing

Your lungs expand out and down.
Not up.

So breath into your belly. Not into your chest.

And brace when you lift.

Tighten your core 360 degrees like someone is trying to punch you.

If you can breathe and brace properly, you can control the core muscles that support your spine.

Solid brace = safe spine.

6️⃣Bring in friends to help.

Remember, the low back is weak, no matter how strong we get it.

Dont forget about the other HUGE SLABS OF MEAT on our bodies that we can use to support our vulnerable lower back.

Glutes keep the spine safe.

They extended the hips (creating that rigid column we talked about earlier)

Activate them before lifting with bird dogs and glute bridges.

Train them RDLs, squats, and glute bridges.

(My glute activator for VIP clients)

Lats keep the spine safe.

Whatever you're grabbing with your hands (a bar), lats keep it close to your center of gravity (spine).

Result = You're more stable

Shove elbows forward on squats.

Tuck your armpits on deadlifts.

Bend bar in half on bench presses.

And train all pulldowns or rows where the upper arm bone is tucked in.

Lat fibers run diagonally down.

Not out wide.

This is why a tucked-in elbow position is ideal.

Core keeps the spine safe.

The core muscles keep the body glued together.

They literally make sure extremities don't fall off lol.

Do dead bugs, single-leg core raises, and proper planks.

Result → glued together body, the back doesnt get overstressed.

7️⃣Stretch way less

Back tweaks happen when muscles are in their extreme “end ranges”.

The very lengthened or very shortened positions.

Stretching by definition lengthens muscles as much as possible.

Putting more stress on a muscle that got injured in that very positon

8️⃣Don't rest.

Laying in bed tell your muscles “we are done, we are incapacitated, no need to heal.”

The first thing you should do after hurting your back is walk and move.

If you move, the brain won't signal muscles to tighten up and the healing process will be accelerated.


How can something as simple as tying your shoe hurt your back?

Because the simple stress of bending down puts your back past its “Tissue Tolerance”.

That's the level of stress your back structures can handle.

Get intentionally stronger.
Add load to the bar.

It's is the ONLY WAY to increase your “tissue tolerance”.

That makes your back more resilient.

Daily activities like getting out of chairs, bending down and lifting objects won't HURT YOU.

Doing this will save you from:

- Frustrating pain
- Embarrassing limitations
- Letting your family down

It's your DUTY to give them the best version of yourself.

P.S. I'm looking for a few more people who want to lose 15-20 lbs just by using my app.

DM me "App" and I'll get you all the details.

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P.S Don't be a weakling.

I'm looking for a few more people who want to transform their bodies just by using my app.

DM me "App" and I'll get you all the details.

DM me 👇.…

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