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Jul 7, 2021, 9 tweets

Few days ago, @orion_money released their litepaper. Let's see what we have.


$LUNA $ORION #Terra #Firstlook

1/ This is the information that most people will spend most time to read. Why the Seed Token Sale, Private Farming and IDO are bold?

2/ Because there is another chart to explain what the fund will be used for. The purposes are so clear, even the liquidity for each side is also showed on both of the charts.

3/ Now let's take a look at what is the potential of @orion_money niche in the market.

Stablecoin total market cap is ~ $112.9B, which includes $USDT, $USDC, $BUSD and $DAI, these coins constitute 92.5% of the entire Stablecoin market cap.

4/ However, market hasn't had any fixed rate protocol on Ethereum or other blockchain.

Hence, @orion_money will be a good choice for those who are holding USDT, USDC,... Because they don't need to do a lot of work like swapping to UST, deposit to @anchor_protocol.

5/ How do we know that Anchor fits the market? Look at the chart below

This chart shows the Anchor TVL from May 19 until now. Due to the correction in May 19, TVL decreased sharply from $560M to $406M. However, the TVL reaches the ATH again today (~$815M) in just ~ 1.5 months.

6/ UST TVL also x2 from the bottom during this time. This shows that users want to deposit UST for Anchor's 20% yield.

Now we know that Anchor's model works well, and people in other blockchain may need Orion Money to connect with Anchor.

How can we capture the value of $ORION?

7/ There're 2 ways to increase ORION price: Staking & Buying back. Both of them will decrease the circulating ORION in the market.

It looks like most revenue from Orion Money will be used to buy back, and there are a lot of incentives for ORION stakers to attract users staking.

8/ Finally, @orion_money launching is an explosion in Terra Ecosystem.

Feel free to correct if there are somethin wrong.

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