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I write about politics, culture, & science for Bylines in @PostOpinions, @ForeignPolicy, @Slate, @damemagazine, @Alternet. She/her

Jul 8, 2021, 9 tweets

Was beating children for speaking their Native languages also part of the soul-saving process, or was that just limited to all of the murder and negligent homicide?…

Quick fact-check, here, as I try to suppress my nausea:
In 2021, I believe 3 sites have been discovered. At 1, 215 bodies of *children* have been found. At the 2 others, 751 & 182 bodies have been found, respectively, & could be a mixture of both children and adults.

Previously, a report in 2015 identified 3,200 Native children who had died at "residential schools" (concentration camps).…

Next, even if you buy into the revolting idea that Catholics were "helping" the "pagans" by burying them & bringing them closer to God, you're gonna have to account for the fact that the graves were unmarked, no records were kept, & the children were *missing* from their families

I'm not a Catholic, but my impression is that burial tradition involves marking the gave. I'd love to hear an explanation for the unmarked graves if the church was truly trying to do right by these "pagan" children. Would also love to know why their names weren't written anywhere

No, you're not discounting them. You're celebrating them.

"First Nations tykes"

Was the child molestation of Catholic children all over the world also actually a blessing b/c they got to be baptized & receive communion? What about the rape & murder of nuns in Ireland? Or what about all the babies & kids who were murdered *by* nuns?

Also good things?

Or do we only consider that

"child torture" + "murder" + "unmarked grave" + BAPTISM! is a soul saving exercise for Native children?

or, sorry, "First Nation tykes"

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